War and nature : fighting humans and insects with chemicals from World War I to Silent spring


War and nature : fighting humans and insects with chemicals from World War I to Silent spring

Edmund Russell

(Studies in environment and history)

Cambridge University Press, 2001

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Pagination varies in printed 2011 by pbk: xvii, 312 p

Includes bibliographical references



War and Nature combines discussion of technology, nature, and warfare to explain the impact of war on nature and vice versa. While cultural and scholarly traditions have led us to think of war and control of nature as separate, this 2001 book uses the history of chemical warfare and pest control as a case study to show that war and control of nature coevolved. Ideologically, institutionally, and technologically, the paths of chemical warfare and pest control intersected repeatedly in the twentieth century. These intersections help us understand the development of total war and the rise of the modern environmental movement.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The long reach of war (1914-17)
  • 3. Joining the chemists' war (1917-18)
  • 4. Chemical warfare in peace (1918-37)
  • 5. Minutemen in peace (1918-37)
  • 6. Total war (1936-43)
  • 7. Annihilation (1943-5)
  • 8. Planning for peace and war (1944-5)
  • 9. War comes home (1945-50)
  • 10. Arms races in the Cold War (1950-8)
  • 11. Backfires (1958-63)
  • 12. Epilogue.

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