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Civilization in the West

Mark Kishlansky, Patrick Geary, Patricia O'Brien

Addison Wesley Longman, c2001

4th ed

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  • pbk.

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Includes bibliographical references and index

Description and Table of Contents


Civilization in the West blends social and political history into a fascinating narrative that brings history to life. The authors tell a compelling story of Western Civilization that is enhanced by an image-based approach. Pictorial chapter openers draw students in by illustrating a dominant theme of the chapter and exploring the dramatic impression each image makes in reinforcing that theme. The presentation of geography guides students around the changing contours of the West through both standard maps and Geographic Tours of Europe. The greater number of maps and tours combine to make this text the strongest possible program for teaching historical geography (151 total maps, as compared to Chambers, the second highest, at 106). The addition of Discovering Western Civilization Online (new end-of-chapter website URLs) makes this the first Western Civilization book to date to include these resources.

Table of Contents

1. The First Civilizations. The Idea of Civilization. Before Civilization. Paintings: A Cultural Record. Social Organization, Agriculture, and Religion. Mesopotamia: Between the Two Rivers. The Ramparts of Uruk. Tools: Technology and Writing. Gods and Mortals in Mesopotamia. Sargon and Mesopotamian Expansion. Hammurabi and the Old Babylonian Empire. The Gift of the Nile. Tending the Cattle of God. Democratization of the Afterlife. The Egyptian Empire. Religious and Royal Consolidation under Akhenaten. Between Two Worlds. The Hebrew Alternative. A King Like All the Nations. Exile. Nineveh and Babylon. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Discovering the Pharaohs. Documents. The Code of Hammurabi. A Homesick Egyptian. The Kingdom of Israel. 2. Early Greece, 2500-500 B.C.E. Hecuba and Achilles. Greece in the Bronze Age to 700 B.C.E. Islands of Peace. Cretan Society and Religion. Mainland of War. The Dark Age. A New Material Culture. The Evidence of Homer. Archaic Greece, 700-500 B.C.E. Ethnos and Polis. Technology of Writing and Warfare. Colonists and Tyrants. Gender and Power. Gods and Mortals. Myth and Reason. Investigation and Speculation. Art and the Individual. A Tale of Three Cities. Wealthy Corinth. Government under the Tyrants. Martial Sparta. Social Control. Democratic Athens. Athenian Tyranny. The Coming of Persia and the End of the Archaic Age. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: The Agony of Athletics. Documents. Hector and Andromache. All Things Change. Two Faces of Tyranny. 3. Classical and Hellenistic Greece, 500-100 B.C.E. Alexander at Issus. War and Politics in the Fifth Century B.C.E. The Persian Wars. Themopylae and Salamis. The Athenian Empire. Excluded Citizens. Freedom in Community. Private and Public Life in Athens. Pericles and Athens. The Peloponnesian War. Athenian Culture in the Hellenic Age. The Examined Life. Understanding the Past. Athenian Drama. The Human Image. From City-States to Macedonian Empire, 404-323 B.C.E. Politics After the Peloponnesian War. Philosophy and the Polis. The Rise of Macedon. The Empire of Alexander the Great. Binding Together an Empire. The Hellenistic World. Urban Life and Culture. Women in Public Life. Alexandria. Hellenistic Literature. Art and Architecture. Hellenistic Philosophy. Mathematics and Science. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Technology and Innovation. Documents. The Two Faces of Athenian Democracy. Socrates the Gadfly. Greeks and Barbarians. Alexander Calls a Halt. 4. Early Rome and the Roman Republic, 800-31 B.C.E. Eternal Rome. The Western Mediterranean to 509 B.C.E. Merchants of Baal. The Gods of Carthage. The Western Greeks. Italy's First Civilization. An Archaic Society. From City to Empire, 509-146 B.C.E. Latin Rome. Etruscan Rome. Rome and Italy. Patricians, Plebeians, and Public Law. Incorporating the Conquered. Rome and the Mediterranean. Securing Western Hegemony. Expansion into the Hellenistic East. Republican Civilization. Farmers and Soldiers. The Roman Family. Social Effects of Expansion. Roman Religion. Republican Letters. The Price of Empire, 146-121 B.C.E. The Crisis of Roman Virtue. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Hannibal's Elephants. Documents. The Twelve Tables. Polybius Describes the Sack of New Carthage. Cato's Slaves. 5. Imperial Rome, 27 B.C.E.-C.E. 192. Competitive Consumption. The Price of Empire. Winners and Losers. Slave Revolts. Provincial Revolts. Optimates and Populares. The Gracchi. The End of the Republic. The Crisis of Government. The Civil Wars. The First Triumvirate. The Second Triumvirate. The Good Life. Poetry, Art and Morality. The Augustan Age. The Empire Renewed. Divine Augustus. Poetry and Patronage. Augustus's Successors. The Pax Romana. Administering the Empire. Religions from the East. The Origins of Christianity. Christian Institutions. Spreading the Faith. Geographical Tours of Europe: A Tour of the Empire. The Western Provinces. The Eastern Provinces. The Culture of Antonine Rome. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Living in Rome. Documents. The Reforms of Tiberius Gracchus. Cicero on Justice and Reason. Peter Announces the Good News. 6. The Transformation of The Classical World. A Bride's Trousseau. The Crisis of the Third Century. Enrich the Army and Scorn the Rest. An Empire on the Defensive. The Barbarian Menace. Roman Influence in the Barbarian World. The Empire Restored. Diocletian the God-Emperor. A Militarized Society. Constantine the Emperor of God. The Triumph of Christianity. Imperial Christianity. Divinity, Humanity, and Salvation. Origin of Alexandria. Augustine of Hippo. The Call of the Desert. Monastic Communities. Solitaries and Hermits. A Parting of the Ways. The Barbarization of the West. The New Barbarian Kingdoms. The Hellenization of the East. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: The Stainless Star of Wisdom's Discipline. Documents. Tacitus on the Germans. Religious Toleration and Persecution. Love in the Two Cities. 7. The Classical Legacy in The East: Byzantium and Islam. From Temple to Mosque. The Byzantines. Justinian and the Creation of the Byzantine State. Emperors and Individuals. Families and Villages. A Foretaste of Heaven. Iconoclasm. The Rise of Islam. Arabia Before the Prophet. Muhammad, Prophet of God. The Triumph of Islam. The Spread of Islam. The Islamic Conquest. Authority and Government in Islam. Umayyad and 'Abbasid Calphates. Islamic Civilization. The Byzantine Apogee and Decline 1000-1453. The Disintegration of the Empire. The Conquests of Constantinople and Baghdad. Danger from the West. Eastern Conquests. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Harems and Gynaiconites. Documents. The Justinian Code. The Qur'an. An Arab's View of Western Medicine. 8. The West in the Early Middle Ages, 500-900. The Chapel at the Waters. The Making of the Barbarian Kingdoms, 500-750. The Ostrogoths: From Success to Extinction. The Visigoths: Intolerance and Destruction. The Anglo-Saxons: From Pagan Conquerors to Christian Missionaries. The Franks: An Enduring Legacy. Living in the New Europe. Creating the European Peasantry. Rural Households. Creating the European Aristocracy. Aristocratic Lifestyle. Governing Europe. The Carolingian Achievement. Charlemagne and the Renewal of the West. The Carolingian Renaissance. Carolingian Government. Carolingian Art. Geographical Tours of Europe: A Tour in the Ninth Century. England. Scandinavia. The Slavic World. Muslim Spain. After the Carolingians: From Empire to Lordships. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: The Jews in the Early Middle Ages. Documents. Two Missionaries. From Slave to Queen. Charlemagne and the Arts. 9. The High Middle Ages. The Royal Tombs at Fontevrault. The Countryside. The Peasantry: Serfs and Freemen. Agricultural Innovation. Negotiating Freedom. The Aristocracy: Fighters and Breeders. Aristocratic Education. The Church: Saints and Monks. Crusaders: Soldiers of God. The Idea of the Crusade. Medieval Towns. Italian Cities. Northern Towns. The Fairs of Champagne. Urban Culture. The Invention of the State. The Universal States: Empire and Papacy. The Nation-States: France and England. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: The Paris of Philip Augustus. Documents. Visions like a Flame. Word from the Fair. Saint Francis of Assisi on Humility and Poverty. The Great Charter 10. The Later Middle Ages, 1300-1500. Webs of Stone and Blood. Politics as a Family Affair. Fragmentation of the Empire. The Struggle for Central Europe. A Hundred Years of War. Life and Death in the Later Middle Ages. Dancing With Death. The Plague of Insurrection. Living and Dying in Medieval Towns. Poverty and Crime. The Spirit of the Later Middle Ages. The Crisis of the Papacy. The Avignon Papacy. The Great Schism. Discerning the Spirit of God. Heresy and Revolt. William of Ockham and the Spirit of Truth. Vernacular Literature and the Individual. New Voices. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: A Room of One's Own. Documents. The Black Death in Florence. A Letter to Babbo. A Woman Before the Inquisition. 11. The Italian Renaissance. A Civic Procession. Renaissance Society. The Environment. Production and Consumption. The Experience of Life. The Quality of Life. Renaissance Art. An Architect, a Sculptor, and a Painter. Renaissance Style. Michelangelo. Renaissance Ideals. Humanists and the Liberal Arts. Machiavelli and Politics. The Politics of the Italian City-States. The Five Powers. Venice: A Seaborne Empire. Florence: Spinning Cloth into Gold. The End of Italian Hegemony, 1450-1527. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: The Fall of Constantinople. Documents. On the Family. The Renaissance Man. The Lion and the Fox. The Siege of Constantinople. 12. The European Empires. Ptolemy's World. European Encounters. A Passage to India. Mundus Novus. The Spanish Conquests. The Legacy of the Encounters. Geographical Tours of Europe: A Tour in 1500. Eastern Boundaries. Central Europe. The West. The Formation of States. Eastern Configurations. The Western Powers. The Dynastic Struggles. Power and Glory. The Italian Wars. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Isabella of Castile. Documents. A Momentous Discovery. The Halls of Montezuma. Last Words. The Kingdom of France. 13. The Reform of Religion. Sola Scriptura. The Intellectual Reformation. The Print Revolution. Christian Humanism. The Humanist Movement. The Wit of Erasmus. The Lutheran Reformation. The Spark of Reform. Martin Luther's Faith. Lutheranism. The Spread of Lutheranism. The Protestant Reformation. Geneva and Calvin. The English Reformation. The Reformation of the Radicals. The Catholic Reformation. The Spiritual Revival. Loyola's Pilgrimage. The Counter-Reformation. The Empire Strikes Back. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: The Reformation and the War of the Common Man. Documents. A Dutch Wit. Luther on Marriage. The Eternal Decree. Heavenly Vision. 14. Europe at War, 1555-1648. The Massacre of the Innocents. The Crises of the Western States. The French Wars of Religion. One King, Two Faiths. The World of Philip II. The Burgundian Inheritance. The Revolt of the Netherlands. The Struggles in Eastern Europe. Kings and Diets in Poland. Muscovy's Time of Troubles. The Rise of Sweden. The Thirty Years' War 1618-48. Bohemia Revolts. The War Widens. The Long Quest for Peace. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: The Monstrous Regiment of Women. Documents. Catholics and Huguenots. Cannibals. War Is Hell. Fire and Sword. 15. The Experiences of Life in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1650. Haymaking. Economic Life. Rural Life. Town Life. Economic Change. Social Life. Social Constructs. Social Structure. Social Change. Peasant Revolts. Private Life. The Family. Communities. Popular Beliefs. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Sex and the Married Man. Documents. Living by One's Wits. The Peasants' Revolt. A Feminine Perspective. The Devil's Due. 16. The Royal State in the Seventeenth Century. Fit for a King. The Rise of the Royal State. Divine Kings. The Court and the Courtiers. The Drive to Centralize Government. The Taxing Demands of War. The Crises of the Royal State. The Need to Resist. The Right to Resist. The English Civil Wars. The English Revolutions. The Zenith of the Royal State. The Nature of Absolute Monarchy. Absolutism in the East. The Origins of French Absolutism. Louis le Grand. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: "King Charles's Head". Documents. A Glimpse of a King. A Short, Sharp Shock. Fathers Know Best. A Close Shave. 17. Science and Commerce in Early Modern Europe. Rembrandt's Lessons. The New Science. Heavenly Revolutions. The Natural World. Science Enthroned. Empires of Goods. The Marketplace of the World. Consumption Choices. Dutch Masters. Mercantile Organization. The Wars of Commerce. The Mercantile Wars. The Wars of Louis XIV. The Colonial Wars. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: The Trials of Galileo. Documents. Stargazing. The Telescope. Eastern Traders. Defining Commerce. 18. The Balance of Power in Eighteenth-Century Europe. Calling the Tune. Geographical Tours of Europe: Europe in 1714. Expansion in the West. Realignment in the East. The Rise of Russia. The Reforms of Peter the Great. Life in Rural Russia. The Enlightened Empress Catherine. The Two Germanies. The Rise of Prussia. Austria Survives. The Politics of Power. The Greatness of Britain. The British Constitution. Parties and Ministers. America Revolts. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Catherine Before She Was Great. Documents. Childhood Traumas. A King's-Eye View. Military Discipline. Unalienable Rights. 19. Culture and Society in Eighteenth-Century Europe. Happy Families. Eighteenth-Century Culture. The Enlightenment. The Legacy of the Enlightenment. Eighteenth-Century Society. The Nobility. The Bourgeoisie. The Masses. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Giving Birth in the Eighteenth Century. Documents. The All-Knowing. The Human Condition. Of the People. The Good of All. 20. The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era, 1789-1815. Admiring the American Revolution. The Crisis of the Old Regime in France, 1715-88. Louis XV's France. Louis XVI and the National Debt. The Three Estates. The First Stage of the French Revolution, 1789-92. Taking Politics to the People. Convening the Estates-General. The Storming of the Bastille. The Revolution of the Peasantry. Women on the March. The Revolution Threatened. The Revolution's Second Stage: Experimenting with Democracy, 1792-99. Declaring Political Rights. The Second Revolution: The Revolution of the People. "Terror Is the Order of the Day". The End of the Revolution. The Reign of Napoleon, 1799-1815. Bonaparte Seizes Power. War and More War. Peace at Home. Decline and Fall. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: The Guillotine and Revolutionary Justice. Documents. "What Is the Third Estate?" On Revolutionary Government. The Civil Code of the Code Napoleon (1804). 21. Industrial Europe. Portrait of an Age. The Traditional Economy. Farming Families. Rural Manufacture. The Agricultural Revolution. The Industrial Revolution in Britain. Britain First. Minerals and Metals. Cotton Is King. The Iron Horse. Entrepreneurs and Managers. The Wages of Progress. The Industrialization of the Continent. Industrialization Without Revolution. Industrialization and Union. The Lands That Time Forgot. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Industry and the Environment. Documents. The Wealth of Britain. The Sin of Wages. Exploiting the Young. The Slavery of Labor. 22. Social Transformations and Political Upheavals, 1815-1850. Potato Politics. Geographical Tours of Europe: Europe in 1815. The Congress of Vienna. The Alliance System. The New Ideologies. The Politics of Preserving Order. Romanticism and Change. Reshaping State and Society. Protest and Revolution. Causes of Social Instability. The Revolutions of 1830. Reform in Great Britain. Workers Unite. Revolutions Across Europe, 1848-1850. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Fear in Paris. Documents. Flora Tristan and the Rights of Working Women. Young Italy. The Communist Manifesto. 23. State-Building and Social Change in Europe, 1850-1871. The Birth of the German Empire. Building Nations: The Politics of Unification. The Crimean War. Unifying Italy. Unifying Germany. Nationalism and Force. Reforming European Society. The Second Empire in France, 1852-70. The Victorian Compromise. Reforming Russia. The Politics of Leadership. Changing Values and the Force of New Ideas. The Politics of Homemaking. The New World of Realism in the Arts. Charles Darwin and the New Science. Karl Marx and the Science of Society. A New Revolution? Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: A Working Woman. Documents. The Emancipation Proclamation, 1861. On the Origins of Species. Red Women in Paris. 24. The Crisis of European Culture, 1871-1914. Speeding to the Future. European Economy and the Politics of Mass Society. Regulating Boom and Bust. Challenging Liberal England. Political Struggles in Germany. Political Scandals and Mass Politics in France. Defeating Liberalism in Austria. Outsiders in Mass Politics. Feminists and Politics. The Jewish Question and Zionism. Workers and Minorities on the Margins. Shaping the New Consciousness. The Authority of Science. Establishing the Social Sciences. The "New Woman" and the New Consciousness. The New Consumption. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Sigmund Freud, Explorer of Dreams. Documents. "J'Accuse". Constance Lytton. "Angel" or Woman? 25. Europe and the World, 1870-1914. The Politics of Mapmaking. The New Imperialism. The Technology of Empire. Motives for Empire. The European Search for Territory and Markets. The Scramble for Africa: Diplomacy and Conflict. Gold, Empire-Building, and the Boer War. Imperialism in Asia. Results of a European-Dominated World. A World Economy. Race and Culture. Women and Imperialism. Ecology and Imperialism. Critiquing Capitalism. Conflict at Home: The European Balance of Power. The Geopolitics of Europe. The Instability of the Alliance System. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: African Political Heroes and Resistance to the Scramble. Documents. Leopold II of Belgium, Speech to an International Conference of Geographers, 12 September 1876. Joseph Chamberlain's Speech to the Birmingham Relief Association. Karl Pearson and the Defense of Eugenics. 26. War and Revolution, 1914-1920. Selling the Great War. The War Europe Expected. Separating Friends from Foes. Military Timetables. Assassination at Sarajevo. The War Europe Got. Technology and the Trenches. The Battle of the Marne. War on the Eastern Front. War on the Western Front. War on the Periphery. Adjusting to the Unexpected: Total War. Mobilizing the Home Front. Silencing Dissent. Turning Point and Victory, 1917-18. Reshaping Europe: After War and Revolution. Settling the Peace. Revolution in Russia, 1917-20. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: The Women Who Started the Russian Revolution. Documents. "All Quiet on the Western Front". Communism: The Decree on Grain. Proclamation of the "Whites," 8 July 1918. 27. The European Search For Stability, 1920-1939. The School of Hardknocks. International Politics and Economic Nationalism. New Nation States, New Problems. German Recovery. France's Search for Security. The United States in Europe. Crisis and Collapse in a World Economy. The Great Depression. The Soviet Union's Separate Path. The Soviet Regime at the End of the Civil War. The New Economic Policy, 1921-28. Stalin's Rise to Power. The First Five-Year Plan. The Comintern, Economic Development, and the Purges. Women and the Family in the New Soviet State. The Promise of Fascism. The Rise of Dictatorships. Mussolini's Italy. Mussolini's Plans for Empire. The Beginnings of the Nazi Movement in Germany. Hitler and the Third Reich. Hitler's Rise to Power. Nazi Goals. Propaganda, Racism, and Culture. Democracies in Crisis. The Failure of the Left in France. Muddling Through in Great Britain. The Spanish Republic as Battleground. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: The Screams From Guernica. Documents. European Disillusionment. Depression for Women. The Law on the Abolition of Legal Abortion, 1936. Adolf Hitler on "Racial Purity". 28. Global Conflagration: Hot War and Cold War. Building Bombs. The Coming of World War II. Hitler's Foreign Policy and Appeasement. Hitler's War, 1939-41. Collaboration and Resistance. Racism and Destruction. Enforcing Nazi Racial Policies. The Destruction of Europe's Jews. Who Knew? Allied Victory. The Soviet Union's Great Patriotic War. The United States Enters the War. Winning the War in Europe. Japanese War Aims and Assumptions. Winning the War in the Pacific. The Fate of Allied Cooperation: 1945. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: The Atomic Wasteland. Documents. The White Rose. Manifesto of the Jewish Resistance in Vilna, September 1943. The Atrocity at Lidice. President Franklin Roosevelt's Request for a Declaration of War on Japan. Japan's Declaration of War on the United States and Great Britain. "Glittering Fragments". 29. Postwar Recovery and Crisis: From the Cold War to the New Europe, to 1989. Utopia Lost. Regulating the Cold War. Atomic Politics. Decolonization. The Two Germanys and the World in Two Blocs. Reconstructing Europe. The Problem: Europe in Ruins. The Solution: The Marshall Plan. Administering the Plan. Western European Economic Integration. Creating the Welfare State. Prosperity and Consumption in the West. The Eastern Bloc and Recovery. Family Strategies. Youth Culture and the Generation Gap. Sex, Drugs, and Protest. The Protests of 1968. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Dismantling Empires. Documents. The Iron Curtain. The Marshall Plan. Report to the Twentieth Party Congress. The Second Sex. "Subterranean Homesick Blues". 30. The West Faces The New Century, 1989 to the Present. Lost in Space. A Geographical Tour of Europe: Europe in 1989. Russia and the New Republics. Yeltsin and the Chechen Challenge. The Unification of Germany. Eastern Europe: Nationalism and Ethnicity. War in the Balkans. Yugoslavia Disintegration. The History of Ethnic Differences. The War for a "Greater" Serbia. The Dayton Peace Accords. War in Kosovo. Albanian Blood Feuds. The West in the Global Community. European Union and the American Superpower. A New Working Class: Foreign Workers. Women's Changing Lives. The Threat of Terrorism. Suggestions for Further Reading. Special Feature: Television, Computers and the Media Revolution. Documents. Perestroika. Career Advancement, Communist-Style. The Return of Fascism? Credits. Index.

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  • NCID
  • ISBN
    • 0321066804
    • 0321070828
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  • Place of Publication
    New York ; Tokyo
  • Pages/Volumes
    xxxii, 1090, 7, 54 p.
  • Size
    26 cm
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