Demography and national security


Demography and national security

edited by Myron Weiner and Sharon Stanton Russell

Berghahn Books, 2001

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references and index



Political scientists, demographers, legal scholars, and historians have come together in this volume, under the direction of the late Myron Weiner, one of the leading scholars in this field, to address three of the major sets of questions in the field of political demography: How changes in demographic variables - population size, growth, distribution, and composition - influence threats (real or perceived) to a country's political stability and security; how governments respond to demographic trends; and how governments attempt to change demographic variables in order to enhance national security.


PART I: POPULATION DYNAMICS AND NATION SECURITY: THEORIES AND EVIDENCE Chapter 1. International Migration: Predicting the Unknowable M.S. Teitelbaum Chapter 2. Demography, Environment, and Security: An Overview J.A. Goldstone Chapter 3. Demographic Change and the Sources of International Conflict R.R. Krebs and J.S. Levy PART II: STATE RESPONSES TO DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDS Chapter 4. Keepers of the Gates: National Militaries in an Age of International Population Movement W.J. Durch Chapter 5. Plural Nationality: Facing the Future in a Migratory World T.A. Aleinikoff and D. Klusmeyer Chapter 6. Migration and Foreign Policy: Emerging Bilateral and Regional Approaches in the Americas S. Martin PART III: DEMOGRAPHIC ENGINEERING AND NATIONAL SECURITY OBJECTIVES Chapter 7. A Question of Outsiders: Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Bhutan S. Hazarika Chapter 8. Impacts of Migration to China's Borer Regions J. Banister Chapter 9. Stalinist Forced Relocation Policies: Patterns, Causes, Consequences T. Martin Notes on Contributors Bibliography Index

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