Chris Burden : when robots rule : the two-minute airplane factory
Chris Burden : when robots rule : the two-minute airplane factory
Tate Gallery, c1999
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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Catalogue published to accompany the exhibition at the Tate Gallery, 18 March-18 July 1999
Includes bibliographical references
At the end of the twentieth century ordinary people have little or no understanding of how the world we live in functions, how the food we eat is grown or how the objects we use are manufactured. For The Two-Minute Airplane Factory Burden has designed a factory-like assembly line which will construct model aeroplanes from paper, plastic and balsa-wood parts. The process, which is all on view, culminates in the launch of the planes, which fly up and circle round before descending to land on the gallery floor, to be collected and sold to visitors. Burden lays bare the principles of mass production in a way that is entertaining, ingenious and provocative.
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