Promoting industrial competitiveness in developing countries : lessons from Asia


Promoting industrial competitiveness in developing countries : lessons from Asia

Sanjaya Lall

(Commonwealth economic papers, 39)

Commonwealth Secretariat, c1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. 68-69)



As developing countries have started to open up their economies, concern about competitiveness has spread to their policy makers. Their relative competitiveness as production and investment sites has become a prime focus of development policy. They are, moreover, faced with a world in which the main determinants of competitiveness are changing rapidly. Competition has intensified due to rapidly falling transport and communication costs, and the performance of economies, industries and firms is constantly compared and bench-marked across nations. So are determinants of competitiveness. These and related issues are analysed in detail in this report. It describes the micro-foundations of competitiveness and enterprise, and translates the lessons to the national level.


Foreword 1. Introduction 2. What is 'Competitiveness'? 3. Why Worry about Competitiveness? 4. What Determines Competitiveness? Firm Level Competence From Firm to National Competitiveness 5. Competitive Success in Asia: Indicators and Determinants Export Performance and Structure Level of Technology The Role of MNCs Indigenous Technological Activity Human Resource Development Conclusions on Competitive Performance and Capabilities 6. Policy Support for Competitiveness in Asia Introduction Trade Policies Skill Development SME Support Export Promotion and Information Capital Markets Industrial Structure and FDI Encouraging and Supporting Technological Effort The Institutional Setting for Competitiveness Policy 7. Lessons for Competitiveness Policy Introduction Export Performance Analysis Reforming the Incentive Framework Improving Factor Markets Gearing up for Competitiveness Strategy Designing and Implementing Competitiveness Strategies 8. Postscript References Appendix Table 1: A Technology Index

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