

edited by Alan Bryman

(SAGE benchmarks in research methods)

SAGE Publications, 2001

  • : set
  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 55



Includes bibliographical references

Contents: v. 1. The nature of ethnography -- v. 2. Ethnographic fieldwork practice -- v. 3. Issues in ethnography -- v. 2. Analysis and writing in ethnography



Ethnography is one of the most discussed research methods in the social sciences. This outstanding collection brings together some landmark contributions by key figures such as Geertz, Denzin, Whyte, Emerson and Atkinson and Delamont, and a wide variety of issues in the field. It provides a complete guide to the methods, significance and contribution of ethnography and will be an invaluable resource for scholars and students. Volume 1: The Nature of Ethnography This volume explores the roots of ethnography in Anthropology and Sociology. Contributions include: G W Stocking on the fieldwork tradition in British anthropology from Tyler to Malinowski; Edmund Leach on the roots and future of tribal ethnography; Boas on methods of ethnology; E E Evans Pritchard on the practice of fieldwork; Wax on Malinowski; James Urry on the contribution of field methods in anthropology; Lofland on the Chicago Legacy; Jennifer Platt on participant observation in sociology; W F Whyte on the application of participant observation; J M Champoulie on Everett Hughes's approach to fieldwork; Sara Delamont and Paul Atkinson on educational ethnography; S Porter on critical realist ethnography; Clifford Geertz on the native's point of view; R L Gold on the ethnographic method in sociology; K Narayan on `native' anthropology and Jack Katz on ethnography's warrants. Volume 2: Ethnographic Fieldwork Practice This volume explores the application and uses of ethnography. The material is organized into sections on the nature of ethnographic practice, access and entry, sampling, fieldwork roles, fieldwork relationships, informants, fieldnotes, interviewing and leaving the field. Included here are contributions from J M Heslin on studying deviance; R M Emerson on the craft of fieldwork; H F Wolcott on methods of ethnography; D Serber on ethnography and bureaucracy; Richard Giulianotti on the use of ethnographic research methods in researching football hooliganism; M Q Patton and M R Luborsky and R L Rubinstein on sampling in qualitative research; R L Gold on sociological roles in field observation; D A Snow, R D Benford and I L Anderson on fieldwork roles and informational yield; S M Miller on the participant observer; R B Everhart on long term fieldwork in schools; J Dubisch on sex and the female anthropologist; J Cassell on the relationship between the observer and observed; W Shaffir on doing ethnography; J Van Maanen on the informant's game; M Shokied on anthropologists and their informants; R Sanjek on vocabularies of fieldnotes; N Rapport on writing fieldnotes; J E Jackson on fieldnotes and liminality; J R Spradley on the ethnographic interview; C L Biggs on the role of the interview in fieldwork; D Snow on the disengagement process and C Gallmeier on leaving, revisiting and staying in touch. Volume 3: Issues in Ethnography This volume is devoted to research and theory issues in the field. The material is divided into sections on gender, feminist ethnography, validation questions, relating ethnography to quantitative research; team ethnography; documents; the visual image; ethical issues; replication and re-study. The contributions include: L Nader on emotions in fieldwork; C Warren and P Rasmussen on sex and gender in fieldwork research; N McKeganey and M Bloor on male gender and fieldwork relations; J Stacey on the possibility of feminist ethnography; B Skeggs on situating feminist ethnography; M LeCompte and J Goetz on problems of reliability and validity; R Emerson and M Pollner on quality criteria in qualitative interpretive research; W F Whyte on research methods for the study of conflict and co-operation; D Miller et al on the combination of quantitative and qualitative research in a study of shopping, place and identity; R C Rist on team ethnography; L Belgrave and K Smith on negotiated validity in collaborative ethnography; P Lemonnier on material culture and ethnography; P Atkinson and A Coffey on analyzing documentary data; D Harper on the visual ethnographic narrative; P Loizos on video, film and photographs in research documents; D M Fetterman on ethnographic educational evaluation; A M Johannsen on applied ethnography and postmodernist ethnography; J Cassell on ethical principles in fieldwork; G Fine on moral dilemmas in field research; A Hunter on the Gold Coast and Slum revisited; K G Heider on disagreements among ethnographers; and A Bryman on the Mead/Freeman controversy. Volume 4: Analysis and Writing in Ethnography The final volume contains sections on reflexivity in ethnography; auto-ethnography; interpreting ethnographic data; managing ethnographic data; analyzing ethnographic data; revisiting ethnographic data; ethnography as text; and the limits of ethnography. Contributions include: M Clarke on survival in the field; I Karp and M B Kendall on reflexivity in fieldwork; L Ellingson on empathy, identification and reflexivity in fieldwork; D M Hayano on auto-ethnography; C Ellis on auto-ethnographic stories; J D Brewer on the ethnographic critique of ethnography; J Ennew on facts in fieldwork; E R Bruner on ethnography as narrative; A Johnson and O R Johnson on the measurement potential of ethnography fieldnotes; D L Altheide on ethnographic content analysis; R M Lee and N G Fielding on users' experience of qualitative data analysis software; J Katz on the social system of analytic fieldwork; K Charmaz on using grounded theory; R M Emerson et al on processing fieldnotes; P Atkinson on reading writing and rhetoric in ethnography; M S Mauthner et al on archiving and revisiting qualitative data; C Geertz on anthropology and the science of writing; S Tyler on post-modern ethnography; M Hammersley on the rhetorical turn in ethnography; N Denzin on the facts of fictions in qualitative inquiry; F and I Ingersoll on oral history and grounded theory and M Punch on limitations and liabilities in fieldwork. This is an unparalleled resource for researchers and students interested in ethnography. Nothing compares with it in terms of ambition or content. It is the distillation of the key achievements and issues in the ethnographic tradition.


VOLUME ONE: THE NATURE OF ETHNOGRAPHY Introduction - A Bryman A Review of Ethnography PART ONE: ANTHROPOLOGICAL BEGINNINGS The Ethnographer's Magic - G W Stocking Fieldwork in British Anthropology from Tylor to Malinowski Tribal Ethnography - E R Leach Past, Present and Future The Methods of Ethnology - F Boas Some Reminiscences and Reflection on Fieldwork - E E Evans-Pritchard Tenting with Malinowski - M L Wax Notes and Queries on Anthropology and the Development of Field Methods in British Anthropology, 1870-1920 - J Urry PART TWO: SOCIOLOGICAL BEGINNINGS Understanding Urban Life - L H Lofland The Chicago Legacy The Development of the `Participant Observation' Method in Sociology - J Platt Origin Myth and History On Making the Most of Participant Observation - W F Whyte Everett C Hughes and the Development of Fieldwork in Sociology - J M Champoulie PART THREE: TRADITIONS IN ETHNOGRAPHY Notes on Queries in Ethnography - C O Frake The Two Traditions of Educational Ethnography - S Delamont and P Atkinson Sociology and Anthropology Compared Critical Realist Ethnography - S Porter The Case of Racism and Professionalism in a Medical Setting PART FOUR: EPISTEMOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY From the Native's Point of View - C Geertz On the Nature of Anthropological Understanding Epistemological Implications of Fieldwork and Their Consequences - F A Salamone The Ethnographic Method in Sociology - R L Gold How Native Is a `Native' Anthropologist? - K Narayan Ethnography's Warrants - J Katz VOLUME TWO: ETHNOGRAPHIC FIELDWORK PRACTICE PART ONE: THE NATURE OF ETHNOGRAPHIC PRACTICE Studying Deviance in Four Settings - J M Henslin Research Experiences with Cabbies, Suicides, Drug Users and Abortionees Four Ways to Improve the Craft of Fieldwork - R M Emerson Making a Study `More Ethnographic' - H F Wolcott PART TWO: ACCESS AND ENTRY The Masking of Social Reality - D Serber Ethnographic Fieldwork in the Bureaucracy Participant Observation and Research into Football Hooliganism - R Giulianotti Reflections on the Problems of Entr[ac]ee and Everyday Risks PART THREE: SAMPLING IN ETHNOGRAPHY Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods - M Q Patton Sampling in Qualitative Research - M R Luborsky and R L Rubinstein Rationale, Issues and Methods PART FOUR: FIELDWORK ROLES Roles in Sociological Field Observation - R L Gold Fieldwork Roles and Informational Yield - D A Snow, R D Benford and L Anderson A Comparison of Alternative Settings and Roles PART FIVE: ETHNOGRAPHIC FIELDWORK RELATIONSHIPS The Participant Observer and Over-Rapport - S M Miller Between Stranger and Friend - R B Everhart Some Consequences of `Long-Term' Fieldwork in Schools Lovers in the Field - J Dubisch Sex, Dominance and the Female Anthropologist The Relationship of Observer to Observed When Studying up - J Cassell Doing Ethnography - W Shaffir Reflections on Finding Your Way PART SIX: INFORMANTS The Informant Game - J Van Maanen Anthropologists and Their Informants - M Shokeid PART SEVEN: FIELDNOTES A Vocabulary for Fieldnotes - R Sanjek Writing Fieldnotes - N Rapport The Conventionalities of Note-Taking in the Field D[ac]ej[gr]a Entendu - J E Jackson The Liminal Qualities of Anthropological Fieldnotes PART EIGHT: INTERVIEWING IN ETHNOGRAPHY Step Two - J R Spradley Interviewing an Informant Questions for the Ethnographer - C L Briggs A Critical Examination of the Role of the Interview in Fieldwork Privileging Fieldwork over Interviewing - S Kleinman, B Stenross and M McMahon Consequences for Identity and Practice PART NINE: LEAVING THE FIELD The Disengagement Process - D Snow A Neglected Problem in Participant Observation Research Leaving, Revisiting and Staying in Touch - C Gallmeier Neglected Issues in Field Research VOLUME THREE: ISSUES IN ETHNOGRAPHY PART ONE: GENDER IN THE FIELD From Anguish to Exultation - L Nader Sex and Gender in Fieldwork Research - C Warren and P Rasmussen Spotting the Invisible Man - N McKeganey and M Bloor The Influence of Male Gender on Fieldwork Relations PART TWO: FEMINIST ETHNOGRAPHY Can There Be a Feminist Ethnography? - J Stacey Situating the Production of Feminist Ethnography - B Skeggs Yes Virginia, There Is a Feminist Ethnography - D Bell Reflections from Three Australian Fields PART THREE: VALIDATING ETHNOGRAPHIC RESEARCH Problems of Reliability and Validity in Ethnographic Research - M LeCompte and J Goetz On the Use of Members' Responses to Reseachers' Accounts - R M Emerson and M Pollner Emerging Criteria for Quality in Qualitative and Interpretive Research - Y S Lincoln PART FOUR: COMBINING ETHNOGRAPHY WITH QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Research Methods for the Study of Conflict and Cooperation - W F Whyte The Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative Research in a Study of Shopping, Place and Identity - D Miller et al PART FIVE: TEAM ETHNOGRAPHY Blitzkrieg Ethnography - R C Rist On the Transformation of a Method into a Movement Negotiated Validity in Collaborative Ethnography - L L Belgrave and K J Smith PART SIX: DOCUMENTS AND MATERIAL CULTURE The Study of Material Culture Today - P Lemonnier Towards an Anthropology of Technical Systems Analyzing Documentary Realities - P Atkinson and A Coffey PART SEVEN: THE VISUAL IMAGE The Visual Ethnographic Narrative - D Harper Video, Film and Photographs as Research Documents - P Loizos PART EIGHT: APPLYING ETHNOGRAPHY Ethnographic Educational Evaluation - D M Fetterman Applied Anthropology and Postmodernist Ethnography - A M Johannsen PART NINE: ETHICAL ISSUES IN ETHNOGRAPHY Ethical Principles for Conducting Fieldwork - J Cassell Ten Lies of Ethnography - G A Fine Moral Dilemmas in Field Research PART TEN: REPLICATION AND RE-STUDY IN ETHNOGRAPHY The Gold Coast and the Slum Revisited - A Hunter The Rashomon Effect - K G Heider When Ethnographers Disagree The Mead/Freeman Controversy - A Bryman Some Implications for Qualitative Researchers VOLUME FOUR: ANALYSIS AND WRITING IN ETHNOGRAPHY PART ONE: REFLEXIVITY IN ETHNOGRAPHY: THE PERSONAL DIMENSION Survival in the Field - M Clarke Implications of Personal Experience in Fieldwork Reflexivity in Fieldwork - I Karp and M B Kendall `Then You Know How I Feel' - L Ellingson Empathy, Identification and Reflexivity in Fieldwork PART TWO: AUTO-ETHNOGRAPHY Auto-Ethnography - D M Hayano Paradigms, Problems and Prospects Exploring Loss through Auto-Ethnographic Inquiry - C Ellis Auto-Ethnographic Stories, Co-Constructed Narratives and Interactive Interviews PART THREE: INTERPRETING ETHNOGRAPHIC DATA The Ethnographic Critique of Ethnography - J D Brewer Sectarianism in the RUC Examining the Facts in Fieldwork - J Ennew Considerations of Method and Data Ethnography as Narrative - E R Bruner PART FOUR: MANAGING ETHNOGRAPHIC DATA Quality into Quantity - A Johnson and O R Johnson On the Measurement Potential of Ethnography Fieldnotes Ethnographic Content Analysis - D L Altheide Users' Experiences of Qualitative Data Analysis Software - R M Lee and N G Fielding PART FIVE: ANALYZING ETHNOGRAPHIC DATA A Theory of Qualitative Methodology - J Katz The Social System of Analytic Fieldwork `Discovering' Chronic Illness - K Charmaz Using Grounded Theory Processing Fieldnotes - R M Emerson, R I Fretz and L L Shaw Coding and Memoing PART SIX: REVISITING ETHNOGRAPHIC DATA The Ethnography of a Medical Setting - P Atkinson Reading, Writing and Rhetoric The Data Are out There, or Are They? Implications for Archiving and Revisiting Qualitative Data - N S Mauthner, O Parry and K Backett-Milburn PART SEVEN: ETHNOGRAPHY AS TEXT Being There - C Geertz Anthropology and the Science of Writing Postmodern Ethnography - S A Tyler From Document of the Occult to Occult Document The Rhetorical Turn in Ethnography - M Hammersley Educational Birds - L Richardson The Facts of Fictions in Qualitative Inquiry - N K Denzin PART EIGHT: THE LIMITS OF ETHNOGRAPHY Bringing It All Back Home - R Jenkins An Anthropologist in Belfast Both a Borrower and a Lender Be - F Ingersoll and J Ingersoll Ethnography, Oral History and Grounded Theory Researching Police Deviance - M Punch A Personal Encounter with the Limitations and Liabilities of Fieldwork

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