Methods of critical discourse analysis
Methods of critical discourse analysis
(Introducing qualitative methods)
Sage, 2001
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全52件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. [184]-195) and index
A new edition of this book is available
This book is designed as an introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and gives an overview of the various theories and methods associated with this sociolinguistic approach. It also introduces the reader to the leading figures in CDA and the methods to which they are most closely related. The text aims to provide a comprehensive description of the individual methods, an understanding of the theories to which methods refer and a comparative treatment of each of these methods so that students may be able to determine which is the most appropriate to select for their particular research question. Given the balance between theory and application, plus the intended audience - no previous knowledge of CDA is assumed - Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis should be useful reading for both students and researchers in the fields of linguistics, sociology, social psychology and the social sciences in general.
What CDA is About - Ruth Wodak
A Summary of It's History, Important Concepts and It's Development
Between Theory, Method and Politics - Michael Meyer
Positioning of the Approach to CDA
Discourse and Knowledge - Siegfried J[um]ager
Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of a Critical Discourse and Dispositive Analysis
The Discourse - Historical Approach - Ruth Wodak
Multidisciplinary CDA - Teun A van Dijk
A Plea for Diversity
Critical Discourse Analysis as a Method in Social Scientific Research - Norman Fairclough
Action and Text - Ron Scollon
Towards an Integrated Understanding of the Place of Text in Social (Inter)action, Mediated Discourse Analysis and the Problem of Social Action
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