Lost shores, forgotten peoples : Spanish explorations of the South East Mayan lowlands


Lost shores, forgotten peoples : Spanish explorations of the South East Mayan lowlands

edited and translated by Lawrence H. Feldman

(Latin America in translation/en traducción/em tradução)(Chronicles of the New World order)

Duke University Press, 2000

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references (p. [261]-265) and index



Long after the Aztecs and the Incas had become a fading memory, a Maya civilization still thrived in the interior of Central America. Lost Shores, Forgotten Peoples is the first collection and translation of important seventeenth-century narratives about Europeans travelling across the great "Ocean Sea" and encountering a people who had maintained an independent existence in the lowlands of Guatemala and Belize. In these narratives-primary documents written by missionaries and conquistadors-vivid details of these little known Mayan cultures are revealed, answering how and why lowlanders were able to evade Spanish conquest while similar civilizations could not. Fascinating tales of the journey from Europe are included, involving unknown islands, lost pilots, life aboard a galleon fleet, political intrigue, cannibals, and breathtaking natural beauty. In short, these forgotten manuscripts-translations of the papers of the past-provide an unforgettable look at an understudied chapter in the age of exploration. Lost Shores, Forgotten Peoples will appeal to archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians interested in Central America, the Maya, and the Spanish Conquest.


Illustrations xi Note to the Reader xiii Preface xv 1 Beginnings. 1574-1606 1 2 Georgraphy of the Lowlands: Gabriel Salazar, 1620 21 3 Across the Ocean Sea: Martin Tovilla, 1630 55 4 Borderlands: Martin Tovilla, 1635 85 5 Coming of the Soldiers: Martin Tovilla. 1635 116 6 The Lies of Friar Moran, 1636 151 7 Between Two Worlds ,1653-1654 158 8 The Rediscovery of the Manche Chol, 1676 170 9 The Itinerary of Friar Joseph Delgado, 1677 181 10 Collection and Removal, 1685-1700 187 11 Raids of the Mosquito Zambo, 1704-1733 217 Postscript and Further Readings, 1766-1733 221 Appendices 223

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