Thoughts upon sport : a work dealing shortly with each branch of sport, and showing that as a medium for the circulation of money sport stands unrivalled among the institutions of the kingdom. To which are added memoirs of the Curraghmore Hunt, Punchestown and the Curragh; of Osbaldeston, Ross and Barclay-Allardice; Scott, Dawson, Fordham and Archer; also of the Marquis of Drogheda, K.P., and Henry W. Briscoe, M.F.H.


    • Sargent, Harry R.


Thoughts upon sport : a work dealing shortly with each branch of sport, and showing that as a medium for the circulation of money sport stands unrivalled among the institutions of the kingdom. To which are added memoirs of the Curraghmore Hunt, Punchestown and the Curragh; of Osbaldeston, Ross and Barclay-Allardice; Scott, Dawson, Fordham and Archer; also of the Marquis of Drogheda, K.P., and Henry W. Briscoe, M.F.H.

by Harry R. Sargent

Photo-Prismatic, 1894


Thoughts upon sport

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1


