The greening of trade law : international trade organizations and environmental issues
The greening of trade law : international trade organizations and environmental issues
Rowman & Littlefield, c2002
- : cloth
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全19件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
"A Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE) Project"
Includes index
In this first book to systematically compare how each of the world's major international trade organizations have handled environmental issues, leading specialists provide a balanced analysis of the development of 'trade and the environment' rules in the World Trade Organization, the European Union, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Free Trade Area of the Americas, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, the International Organization for Standardization, and other key organizations. Deftly combining policy and theory, the authors offer a range of heuristics and normative orientations in an effort to understand one of the globe's most contentious and timely dilemmas.
Chapter 1 Understanding Trade and the Environment: Conceptual Frameworks Part 2 PART I: The World Trade Organization Chapter 3 A Reluctant Global Policy Maker Chapter 4 Dispute Settlement and U.S. Environmental Laws Chapter 5 The Nexus of Law and Politics: The WTO's Committee on Trade and Environment Part 6 PART II: Regional Organizations Chapter 7 The European Community: Environmental Issues in an Integrated Market Chapter 8 The North American Free Trade Agreement: Alternative Models of Managing Trade and the Environment Chapter 9 The Free Trade Area of the Americas: Lessons From North America Chapter 10 APEC: The "Sustainable Development" Agenda Part 11 PART III: A Business-Led Organization Chapter 12 The International Organization for Standardization: Drafting the ISO 14000 Series Part 13 PART IV: Conclusion Chapter 14 Explaining Similarities and Differences across International Trade Organizations
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