Intelligent image processing


    • Mann, Steve


Intelligent image processing

Steve Mann

(Adaptive and learning systems for signal processing, communications, and control)

IEEE : Wiley, c2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



" Wiley-Interscience."

Includes bibliographical references (p. 332-339) and index



Intelligent Image Processing describes the EyeTap technology that allows non-invasive tapping into the human eye through devices built into eyeglass frames. This isn't merely about a computer screen inside eyeglasses, but rather the ability to have a shared telepathic experience among viewers. Written by the developer of the EyeTap principle, this work explores the practical application and far-reaching implications this new technology has for human telecommunications.


Preface 1 Humanistic Intelligence as a Basis for Intelligent Image Processing 1.1 Humanistic Intelligence/ 1.2 "WearComp" as Means of Realizing Humanistic Intelligence 1.3 Practical Embodiments of Humanistic Intelligence 2 Where on the Body is the Best Place for a Personal Imaging System? 2.1 Portable Imaging Systems 2.2 Personal Handheld Systems 2.3 Concomitant Cover Activities and the Videoclips Camera System 2.4 The Wristwatch Videophone: A Fully Functional "Always Ready" Prototype 2.5 Telepointer: Wearable Hands-Free Completely Self-Contained Visual Augmented Reality 2.6 Portable Personal Pulse Doppler Radar Vision System Based on Time-Frequency Analysis and q-Chirplet Transform 2.7 When Both Camera and Display are Headworn: Personal Imaging and Mediated Reality 2.8 Partially Mediated Reality 2.9 Seeing "Eye-to-Eye" 2.10 Exercises, Problem Sets, and Homework 3 The EyeTap Principle: Effectively Locating the Camera Inside the Eye as an Alternative to Wearable Camera Systems 3.1 A Personal Imaging System for Lifelong Video Capture 3.2 The EyeTap Principle 3.3 Practical Embodiments of EyeTap 3.4 Problems with Previously Known Camera Viewfinders 3.5 The Aremac 3.6 The Foveated Personal Imaging System 3.7 Teaching the EyeTap Principle 3.8 Calibration of EyeTap Systems 3.9 Using the Device as a Reality Mediator 3.10 User Studies 3.11 Summary and Conclusions 3.12 Exercises, Problem Sets, and Homework 4 Comparametric Equations, Quantigraphic Image Processing, and Comparagraphic Rendering 4.1 Historical Background 4.2 The Wyckoff Principle and the Range of Light 4.3 Comparametric Image Processing: Comparing Differently Exposed Images of the Same Subject Matter 4.4 The Comparagram: Practical Implementations of Comparanalysis 4.5 Spatiotonal Photoquantigraphic Filters 4.6 Glossary of Functions 4.7 Exercises, Problem Sets, and Homework 5 Lightspace and Antihomomorphic Vector Spaces 5.1 Lightspace 5.2 The Lightspace Analysis Function 5.3 The "Spotflash" Primitive 5.4 LAFxLSF Imaging ("Lightspace") 5.5 Lightspace Subspaces 5.6 "Lightvector" Subspace 5.7 Painting with Lightvectors: Photographic/Videographic Origins and Applications of WearComp-Based Mediated Reality 5.8 Collaborative Mediated Reality Field Trials 5.9 Conclusions 5.10 Exercises, Problem Sets, and Homework 6 VideoOrbits: The Projective Geometry Renaissance 6.1 VideoOrbits 6.2 Background 6.3 Framework: Motion Parameter Estimation and Optical Flow 6.4 Multiscale Implementations in 2-D 6.5 Performance and Applications 6.6 AGC and the Range of Light 6.7 Joint Estimation of Both Domain and Range Coordinate Transformations 6.8 The Big Picture 6.9 Reality Window Manager 6.10 Application of Orbits: The Photonic Firewall 6.11 All the World's a Skinner Box 6.12 Blocking Spam with a Photonic Filter 6.13 Exercises, Problem Sets, and Homework Appendix A: Safety First! Appendix B: Multiambic Keyer for Use While Engaged in Other Activities B.1 Introduction B.2 Background and Terminology on Keyers B.3 Optimal Keyer Design: The Conformal Keyer B.4 The Seven Stages of a Keypress B.5 The Pentakeyer B.6 Redundancy B.7 Ordinally Conditional Modifiers B.8 Rollover B.8.1 Example of Rollover on a Cybernetic Keyer B.9 Further Increasing the Chordic Redundancy Factor: A More Expressive Keyer B.10 Including One Time Constant B.11 Making a Conformal Multiambic Keyer B.12 Comparison to Related Work B.13 Conclusion B.14 Acknowledgments Appendix C: WearCam GNUX Howto C.1 Installing GNUX on WearComps C.2 Getting Started C.3 Stop the Virus from Running C.4 Making Room for an Operating System C.5 Other Needed Files C.6 Defrag / 323 C.7 Fips C.8 Starting Up in GNUX with Ramdisk Appendix D: How to Build a Covert Computer Imaging System into Ordinary Looking Sunglasses D.1 The Move from Sixth-Generation WearComp to Seventh-Generation D.2 Label the Wires! D.3 Soldering Wires Directly to the Kopin CyberDisplay D.4 Completing the Computershades Bibliography Index

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