Logic, meaning and computation : essays in memory of Alonzo Church



Logic, meaning and computation : essays in memory of Alonzo Church

edited by C. Anthony Anderson and Michael Zelëny

(Synthese library, v. 305)

Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2001

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Includes bibliographical references and index



Alonzo Church was undeniably one ofthe intellectual giants of theTwenti- eth Century . These articles are dedicated to his memory and illustrate the tremendous importance his ideas have had in logic , mathematics, comput er science and philosophy . Discussions of some of thesevarious contributions have appeared in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, and th e interested reader is invited to seek details there . Here we justtry to give somegener al sense of the scope, depth,and value of his work. Church is perhaps best known for the theorem , appropriately called " C h u r c h ' s Theorem ", that there is no decision procedure forthelogical valid- ity of formulas first-order of logic . A d ecision proce dure forthat part of logic would have come near to fulfilling Leibniz's dream of a calculus that could be mechanically used tosettle logical disputes . It was not to . be It could not be . What Church proved precisely is that there is no lambda-definable function that can i n every case providethe right answer , ' y e s ' or ' n o', tothe question of whether or not any arbitrarily given formula is valid .


  • Preface
  • C.A. Anderson, M. Zeleny. Remembering Alonzo Church
  • D. Kaplan, T. Burge. Part I: Logic. Logic, truth and number: The elementary genesis of arithmetic
  • P. Apostoli. Second-order logic
  • J. Corcoran. A representation of relation algebras using Routley-Meyer frames
  • J.M. Dunn. Church's set theory with a universal set
  • Th. Forster. Axioms of infinity in Church's type theory
  • R.O. Gandy. Logical objects
  • E.L. Keenan. The lambda calculus and adjoint functors
  • S.M. Lane. Atomic Boolean algebras and classical propositional logic
  • G.J. Massey. Improved decision procedures for pure relevant logic
  • R.K. Meyer. The `triumph' of first-order languages
  • S. Shapiro. Equivalence relations and groups
  • R. Smullyan. Part II: Computation. Discriminating coded lambda terms
  • H. Barendregt. lambda-calculus as a foundation for mathematics
  • K. Grue. Peano's lambda calculus: The functional abstraction implicit in arithmetic
  • D. Leivant. The undecidability of lambda-definability
  • R. Loader. A construction of the provable wellorderings of the theory of species
  • P. Martin-Loef. Semantics for first and higher order realizability
  • C. Mclarty. Language and equality theory in logic programming
  • J.C. Shepherdson. Part III: Philosophy, Meaning, and Intensional Logic. Alternative (1*): A criterion of identity for intensional entities
  • C.A. Anderson. Nominalist paraphrase and ontological commitment
  • J.P. Burgess. Peace, justice and computation: Leibniz' program and the moral and political significance of Church's theorem
  • M. Detlefsen. Tarski's theorem and NFU
  • M.R. Holmes. Church's theorem and randomness
  • G. Mar. Russellian type theory andsemantical paradoxes
  • E. Martino. The logic of sense and denotation: Extensions and applications
  • T. Parsons. Analysis, synonymy and sense
  • M. Richard. The very possibility of language
  • N. Salmon. Index.

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  • Synthese library

    D. Reidel , Distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston



  • ISBN
    • 140200141X
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xiii, 627 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 親書誌ID