Patient-centered guides
Tania Shiminski-Maher, Patsy Cullen, Maria Sansalone
O'Reilly c2002 Patient-centered guides
alk. paper
Available at 1 libraries
Honna Janes-Hodder, Nancy Keene
O'Reilly c2002 2nd ed Patient-centered guides
Available at 2 libraries
Nancy Keene
O'Reilly c2002 3rd ed Patient-centered guides
pbk. : alk. paper
William M. Buchholz and Susan W. Buchholz
O'Reilly 2001 Patient-centered guides
Nancy Keene, Wendy Hobbie, and Kathy Ruccione
O'Reilly c2000 Patient-centered guides
: pbk
Available at 5 libraries
Gary Karp
O'Reilly 1998 Patient-centered guides