Challenging the mandate of Heaven : social protest and state power in China
Challenging the mandate of Heaven : social protest and state power in China
(Asia and the Pacific)
M.E. Sharpe, c2002
- : pbk
並立書誌 全1件
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全10件
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"An East gate book"
Includes bibliographical references and index
Social science theories of contentious politics have been based almost exclusively on evidence drawn from the European and American experience, and classic texts in the field make no mention of either the Chinese Communist revolution or the Cultural Revolution -- surely two of the most momentous social movements of the twentieth century. Moreover, China's record of popular upheaval stretches back well beyond this century, indeed all the way back to the third century B.C. This book, by bringing together studies of protest that span the imperial, Republican, and Communist eras, introduces Chinese patterns and provides a forum to consider ways in which contentious politics in China might serve to reinforce, refine or reshape theories derived from Western cases.
- Chapter 1 Predators and Protectors: Strategies of Peasant Survival
- Chapter 2 Protective Rebellion: Tax Protest in Late Qing China
- Chapter 3 Heterodox Rebellion? The Mystery of Yellow Cliff
- Chapter 4 Predatory Rebellion: Bai Lang and Social Banditry
- Chapter 5 Skilled Workers and the Chinese Revolution: Strikes Among Shanghai Silk Weavers, 1927-1937
- Chapter 6 Labor Divided: Sources of State Formation in Modern China
- Chapter 7 Contradictions under Socialism: Shanghai's Strike Wave of 1957
- Chapter 8 Working at Cross-Purposes: Shanghai Labor in the Cultural Revolution
- Chapter 9 Rural Violence in Socialist China
- Chapter 10 Casting a Chinese "Democracy" Movement: Legacies of Social Fragmentation
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