Business cycle theory : selected texts, 1860-1939


Business cycle theory : selected texts, 1860-1939

edited by Harald Hagemann

Pickering & Chatto, 2002-

  • [pt. 1 : set]
  • [pt. 2 : set]


Pt. 1: v. 1-4 -- pt. 2: v. 5-8

Vol. 5-8: edited by Mauro Boianovsky


[pt. 1 : set] ISBN 9781851964543


These volumes contain key texts from the period 1860-1939, covering a long list of Anglo-Saxon writers, as well as the most important contributions from the French, German, Italian, Russian and Swedish debates. The older business cycle theories presented here richly elucidate the complex interaction between and real, monetary and structural change factors in economic systems - the close association between historical and analytical methods providing a fertile source of inspiration for current researchers in the field. This first part covers early classics, structural theories, monetary theories of business cycles, and the relation between equilibrium and the business cycle.


  • Part I Volume 1: Some Early Classics C Juglar, excerpt, A Brief History of Panics and Their Periodical Occurence in the United States (1916)
  • J S Mill, 'Influence of Credit on Prices', The Principles of Political Economy (1967)
  • J Mills, 'On Credit Cycles and the Origin of Commercial Panics' (1867)
  • K Marx, 'Accumulation and Reproduction on an Extended Scale', Capital: A Critique of Political Economy (1885)
  • K Marx, excerpt, Theories of Surplus Value (1919)
  • W S Jevons, 'Commercial Crises and Sunspots', Investigations in Currency and Finance (1884)
  • A F Mummery and J A Hobson, excerpt, The Physiology of Industry (1889)
  • A Marshall and M P Marshall, excerpt, The Economics of Industry (1879)
  • A Marshall, 'Fluctuations of Industry, Trade and Credit', Money, Credit and Commerce, (1923)
  • W C Mitchell, Chapter 1, Business Cycles and Unemployment (1923)
  • J Kitchin, 'Cycles and Trends in Economic Factors', (1923)
  • S Kuznets, excerpt, Secular Movements in Production and Prices (1930) Volume 2: Structural Theories of the Business Cycle *M Tugan-Baranowsky, excerpt, Studien zur Theorie und Geschichte der Handelskrisen in England (1901)
  • *A Spiethoff, 'Vorbemerkungen zu einer Theorie der Uberproduktion' (1902)
  • K Wicksell, 'The Enigma of Business Cycles' (1953)
  • *K Wicksell, 'Eine neue Krisentheorie' (1998)
  • A Spiethoff, 'Business Cycles' (1953)
  • A Aftalion, 'The Theory of Economic Cycles Based on the Capitalist Technique of Production' (1927)
  • D H Robertson, 'Review of M. Tugan-Baranowsky, Les Crises Industrielles en Angleterre and A Aftalion Les Crises Periodiques de Surproduction' (1914)
  • M Fanno, 'Production Cycles, Credit Cycles and Industrial Fluctuations' (1993)
  • F A Hayek, 'The conditions of equilibrium between the production of consumers'goods and the production of producers' goods', Prices and Production (1935)
  • H S Ellis, 'Die Bedeutung der Produktionsperiode fur die Krisentheorie' (1935) Volume 3: Monetary Theories of the Business Cycle M T England, 'Promotions as the Cause of Cycles' (1915)
  • I Fisher, 'Our Unstable Dollar and the So-called Business-Cycle' (1925)
  • R G Hawtrey, 'The Trade Cycle' (1926)
  • R G Hawtrey, 'The Monetary Theory of the Trade Cycle' (1929)
  • L von Mises, 'Money, Credit and Interest', The Theory of Money and Credit (1934)
  • A C Pigou, 'Correctives of the Trade Cycle' (1924)
  • *F A Hayek, 'Einige Bemerkungen uber das Verhaltnis der Geldtheorie zur Konjunkturtheorie' (1928)
  • *A Lowe, 'Uber den Einfluss monetarer Faktoren auf den Konjunkturzyklus' (1928)
  • G Myrdal, 'Wicksell's Statement of the Problem of Monetary Theory', Monetary Equilibrium (1939)
  • I Fisher, 'The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions' (1933)
  • G Harbeler, 'Money and the Business Cycle' (1932)
  • J Viner, 'International Aspects of the Gold Standard' (1932)
  • H C Simons, 'Banking and Business Cycles', Banking and Currency Reform, (1933)
  • D H Robertson, 'A Survey of Modern Monetary Controversy' (1938) Volume 4: Equilibrium and the Business Cycle A Lowe, 'How is business cycle theory possible at all? ' (1997)
  • F A Hayek, 'The Problem of the Trade Cycle', Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle (1933)
  • E Slutsky, 'The Summation of Random Causes as the Source of Cyclic Processes' (1937)
  • S Kuznets, 'Equilibrium Economics and Business-cycle theory' (1930)
  • E Lundberg, 'On the Concept of Economic Equilibrium' (1930)
  • *F A Lutz, excerpts, Das Konjunkturproblem in der Nationalokonomie (1932)
  • *G Del Vecchio, 'Sulla teoria economica delle crisi', Capitale e Interesse (1956)
  • J R Hicks, 'Equilibrium and the Trade Cycle' (1933)
  • R Frisch, 'Propagation Problems and Impulse Problems in Dynamic Economics' (1933)
  • O Morgenstern, 'Perfect Foresight and Economic Equilibrium' (1976) * New Translation

[pt. 2 : set] ISBN 9781851967261


These volumes contain key texts from the period 1860-1939, covering a long list of Anglo-Saxon writers, as well as the most important contributions from the French, German, Italian, Russian and Swedish debates. The older business cycle theories presented here richly elucidate the complex interaction between real, monetary and structural change factors in economic systems - providing a fertile source of inspiration for current researchers. This second part is organised around the themes of economic growth, technical change and business cycles; the accelerator, overaccumulation and underconsumption; saving, investment and expectations; and quantitative business cycle analysis.


  • Part II Volume 5: Economic Growth, Technical Change and Business Cycles J A Schumpeter, 'Uber das Wesen der Wirtschaftskrisen', Zeitschrift fur Volkswirtschaft, Sozialpolitik und Verwaltung, 19 (1910), pp. 271-325. First-time English translation, 'On the Nature of Economic Crises'
  • D H Robertson, A Study of Industrial Fluctuation, part II (1915), pp. 121-205
  • G Cassel, Theory of Social Economy ([1918]1932), pp. 32-41
  • 51-63
  • 533-41
  • 622-6
  • 639-52
  • A Hansen, Business-Cycle Theory: Its Development and Present Status (1927), pp. 59-119
  • J A Schumpeter, 'The Explanation of the Business Cycle', Economica, 7 (1927), pp. 286-311
  • J A Schumpeter, 'The Instability of Capitalism', Economic Journal, 38 (1928), pp. 361-86
  • J A Schumpeter, 'The Analysis of Economic Change', Review of Economic Statistics, 17 (1935), pp. 1-10
  • E Lundberg, Studies in the Theory of Economic Expansion (1937), pp. 181-242
  • R F Harrod, 'An Essay in Dynamic Theory', Economic Journal, 49 (1939), pp. 14-33 Volume 6: The Accelerator, Overaccumulation and Underconsumption T N Carver, 'A Suggestion for a Theory of Industrial Depressions', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 17 (1903), pp. 497-500
  • G Cassel, ' Om kriser och daliga tider', Ekonomisk Tidskrift, 4 (1904), pp. 21-35
  • 51-81) First-time English translation, 'Of Crisis and Bad Times'
  • A Aftalion, 'La realite des surproductions generales: Essai d'une theorie des crises generales et periodiques', Revue d'Economie Politique, 20 (1906), pp. 696-706
  • 23 (1909), pp. 81-117, 201-29, 241-59. First-time English translation, 'The Reality of General Overproduction: Essay on a Theory of General and Periodic Crises'
  • J A Hobson, The Industrial System (1910), pp. 39-55
  • 284-311
  • Otto Bauer, 'Otto Bauer's "Accumulation of Capital"', History of Political Economy, 18 ([1913] 1986), pp. 87-110
  • J M Clark, 'Business Acceleration and the Law of Demand: A Technical Factor in Economic Cycles', Journal of Political Economy, 25 (1917), pp. 217-35
  • W T Foster and W Catchings, Business without a Buyer (1927), pp. 38-56
  • M Bouniatian, 'The Theory of Economic Cycles Based on the Tendency toward Excessive Capitalization', Review of Economic Statistics, 10 (1928), pp. 67-79
  • R Frisch, 'The Interrelation between Capital Production and Consumer-Taking', Journal of Political Economy, 39 (1931), pp. 646-54
  • R F Harrod, The Trade Cycle: An Essay (1936), pp. 88-101
  • G Haberler, Prosperity and Depression: A Theoretical Analysis of Cyclical Movements (1937), pp. 244-74
  • P A Samuelson, 'Interactions between the Multiplier Analysis and the Principle of Acceleration', Review of Economic Statistics, 21 (1939)., pp. 75-8
  • P A Samuelson, 'A Synthesis of the Principle of Acceleration and the Multiplier', Journal of Political Economy, 47 (1939), pp. 786-97 Volume 7: Saving, Investment and Expectations W Bagehot, ' Why Lombard Street is Often Very Dull and Sometimes Extremely Excited' in Lombard Street ([1873] 1931), pp. 118-52
  • F B Hawley, Enterprise and the Productive Process (1907), pp. 206-67
  • N Johannsen, A Neglected Point in Connection with Crises (1908), pp. 34-54
  • 77-88
  • F Lavington, The Trade Cycle (1922), pp. 18-37
  • 80-92
  • A C Pigou, Industrial Fluctuations (1929), pp. 26-34
  • 72-98
  • R F Kahn, 'The Relation of Home Investment to Unemployment', Economic Journal, 41 (1931), pp. 173-98
  • A Hansen and H Tout, 'Annual Survey of Business Cycle Theory: Investment and Saving in Business Cycle Theory', Econometrica, 1 (1933), pp. 119-47
  • F A Hayek, 'Capital and Industrial Fluctuations - A Reply to a Criticism', Econometrica, 2 (1934), pp. 152-67
  • D H Robertson, 'Industrial Fluctuation and the Natural Rate of Interest', Economic Journal, 44 (1934), pp. 650-6
  • G Haberler, 'Some Reflections on the Present State of Business Cycle Theory', Review of Economic Statistics, 18 (1936), pp. 299-305
  • D G Champernowne, 'Unemployment, Basic and Monetary: the Classical and the Keynesian', Review of Economic Studies, 3 (1936), pp. 201-16
  • B Ohlin, 'Some Notes on the Stockholm Theory of Savings and Investment', Economic Journal, 47 (1937), pp. 53-69 and 221-40
  • R F Kahn, 'The League of Nations Inquiry into the Trade Cycle', Economic Journal, 47 (1937), pp. 670-9
  • G Haberler, Prosperity and Depression: A Theoretical Analysis of Cyclical Movements, 2nd edition (1939), pp. 168-95
  • 233-54 Volume 8: Quantitative Business Cycle Analysis V Pareto, 'Les Crises Economiques' in Cours D'Economie Politique, vol. 2 (1897), pp. 277-97. First-time English translation, 'Economic Crises'
  • H L Moore, Economic Cycles: Their Law and Causes (1914), pp. 94-127
  • C Bullock, W Persons and W Crum , 'The Construction and Interpretation of the Harvard Index of Business Conditions', Review of Economic Statistics, 9 (1927), pp. 74-92
  • J Tinbergen, 'Konjunkturforschung und Varationsrechnung', Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, 61 (1929), pp. 533-41. First-time English translation, 'Business Cycle Research and the Calculus of Variation'
  • J Tinbergen, 'Determination and Interpretation of Supply Curves: An Example' in The Foundations of Econometric Analysis ([1930] 1995)
  • J Tinbergen, 'A Shipbuilding Cycle?' in Jan Tinbergen - Selected Papers ([1931] 1959)
  • R Frisch, 'A Method of Decomposing an Empirical Series into Its Cyclical and Progressive Components', Journal of the American Statistical Association, 26 (1931), pp. 73-8
  • R Frisch, 'Review of J. Akerman's Om det Ekonomiska Livets Rytmik', Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 34 (1931), pp. 281-300. First-time English translation from the Norwegian
  • L Amoroso, 'Contributo alla Teoria Matematica della Dinamica Economica' in G. Demaria (ed.), Nuova Collana di Economisti (1932), pp. 421-40. First-time English translation, 'A Contribution to the Mathematical Theory of Economic Dynamcs'
  • J Tinbergen, 'The Notion of Horizon and Expectancy in Dynamic Economic Theory', Econometrica, 3 (1933), pp. 247-52
  • M Kalecki, 'Essay on the Business Cycle Theory' in J Osiatynski (ed), Collected Works of Michal Kalecki, vol. 1 ([1933] 1990), pp. 65-81 and 93-108
  • W C Mitchell, 'Business Cycles', in E. Seligman (ed), Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences, vol. 3 (1934), pp. 92-107
  • M Kalecki, 'A Macrodynamic Theory of Business Cycles', Econometrica, 3 (1935), pp. 327-44
  • J Tinbergen, 'Annual Survey: Suggestions on Quantitative Business Cycle Theory', Econometrica, 3 (1935), pp. 241-308
  • J Tinbergen, 'An Economic Policy for 1936' in Jan Tinbergen - Selected Papers ([1936] 1959), pp. 37-84
  • M Kalecki, 'A Theory of the Business Cycle', Review of Economic Studies, 4 (1936-7), pp. 77-97
  • N Kaldor, 'A Model of the Trade Cycle', Economic Journal, 50 (1940), pp. 78-92

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    • 1851967265
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