Transportation networks and the optimal location of human activities : a numerical geography approach


    • Thomas, Isabelle


Transportation networks and the optimal location of human activities : a numerical geography approach

Isabelle Thomas

(Transport economics, management and policy)

E. Elgar, c2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Includes bibliographical references (p. 261-285) and index



The relationship between the shape of transportation networks and the optimal locations and allocations of human activities is examined in this unique volume.Simulations are performed on different toy-networks: several transportation networks are designed and their effects on location-allocation results are tested on different markets. Several optimal location models are used. The author then attempts to discover how the modelling results are affected by negative externalities or zone pricing policies. Finally, these results are applied to real-world situations, illustrating and confirming the results of the simulations performed on toy-networks. This volume will be considered as an interesting and original approach for location-modellers as well as planners. Transportation Networks and the Optimal Location of Human Activities will also appeal to geographers, spatial economists, location-allocation practitioners and transportation researchers.


Contents: 1. Introduction Part I: Measuring the Shape of the Transportation Network 2. 'Measuring' the Shape of the Transportation Network: State of the Art Part II: Location-Allocation Results and the Shape of the Transportation Network 3. Optimal Locations and Transportation Networks: The Case of Autarky 4. Optimal Locations and Transportation Networks: The Case of a Common Market 5. Optimal Locations of Human Activities and the Permeability of the Border in a Common Market Part III: Location-Allocation Modelling and the Measure of Distance 6. Distance-Predicting Functions and Location-Allocation Results 7. Price Policies, Transportation Networks and Location-Allocation Results 8. Negative Externalities and Location-Allocation Results Part IV: Land-Use Planning and the Shape of the Transportation Network: Two Real-World Examples 9. Optimal Locations of Health Centres in Niger: Rainy Season versus Dry Season Accessibility 10. Optimal Location of Recycling in Belgium: Externalities versus Transportation Costs 11. Conclusion References Index

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