2000 4th International Conference on algorithms and architectures for parallel processing, ICA[3]PP 2000, Hong Kong, December 11-13 2000
2000 4th International Conference on algorithms and architectures for parallel processing, ICA[3]PP 2000, Hong Kong, December 11-13 2000
World Scientific, c2000
- タイトル別名
Two thousand 4th International Conference on algorithms and architectures for parallel processing, ICA[3]PP 2000, Hong Kong, December 11-13 2000
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references and index
ICA3PP 2000 was an important conference that brought together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and governments to advance the knowledge of parallel and distributed computing. The proceedings constitute a well-defined set of innovative research papers in two broad areas of parallel and distributed computing: (1) architectures, algorithms and networks; (2) systems and applications.
- Cluster computing
- interconnection networks and routing
- parallel architecture and parallel I/O systems
- parallel and distributed databases
- parallel algorithms I
- tools and environments for parallel and distributed software development
- parallel algorithms II
- parallel processing on Web-based systems and applications
- distributed and parallel operating systems and middleware
- high-performance scientific computing
- parallel and distributed processing
- fault-tolerant computing
- high-performance data management.
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