If tropes


    • Maurin, Anna-Sofia


If tropes

Anna-Sofia Maurin

(Synthese library, v. 308)

Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Bibliography: p. [181]-183



In the book If Tropes, the author attempts to approach and then deal with some of the most basic problems for a theory of tropes. The investigation proceeds from three basic assumptions: (i) tropes (i.e. particular properties) exist, (ii) only tropes exist (that is, tropes are the only basic or fundamental kind of entities), and (iii) the main-function for tropes is to serve as truth-makers for atomic propositions. Provided that one accepts these assumptions the author finds that the trope-theorist will have to deal with two important matters. Some atomic propositions seem to require universal truth-makers and others seem to require concrete truth-makers. This means that universals and concrete particulars will need to be constructed from the material of tropes. Such constructions are attempted and it is argued that it is possible to deal at least with these basic issues while staying squarely within the boundaries of a purely trope-theoretical framework. The book is written in an untechnical language but requires some prior understanding of basic metaphysics.


Acknowledgements. 1: Introduction. 1. Particular properties. 2: Tropes. 1. What is trope? 2. Simple. 3. Particular. 4. Abstract. 3: Metaphysics. 1. Setting the general framework. 2. The aim of investigation. 3. The method of investigation. 4. Metaphysics and science. 5. The success of investigation. 4: Truth-Making. 1. Metaphysics and language. 2. Making true. 3. Truth bearers. 4. Logical atomism. 5. Truth-maker theory and tropes. 5: The Problem of Universalisation. 1. The problem of universalisation introduced. 2. A first attempt: the unity is primitive. 3. A second attempt: resemblance. 6: The Problem of Thing-Construction. 1. The problem of thing-construction introduced. 2. The trope-substrate approach. 3. The trope-bundle approach. 4. Bradley and the relation regress. 5. Are compresent bundles things? 6. More to be said? References.

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  • Synthese library

    D. Reidel , Distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston



  • ISBN
    • 140200656X
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xi, 183 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 親書誌ID