The practice of generalist case management


    • Holt, Barbara J.


The practice of generalist case management

Barbara J. Holt

Allyn and Bacon, c2000

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references (p. 139-142) and index



This very practical text provides a nuts-and-bolts introduction to case management. The text was initially written by the author as a manual for beginning case managers, and it is still focused on how to actually track and manage a case load. The text is geared toward students or entry-level professionals, and provides plenty of actual case examples to illustrate the pitfalls and high points of case management. Chapter 7 includes practical tips based on real training situations, such as how to interview clients. A list of key terms at the end of every chapter provides a focus for student review. Discussion questions at the end of every chapter are taken from real-life case management practice. Bibliographies at the end of the chapters and at the end of the text provide suggestions for further research. The text's glossary establishes standard definitions of terms commonly used in practice.


1.The Origin of the Species: Developing a New Discipline. Defining Case Management. Social Work's Roots. Whom Does the Case Manager Serve? Why Has Case Management Become Popular? What a Case Manager Does. How Did Case Management Develop? The History of Case Management. The Evolution of Coordination of Care. Deinstitutionalization. Tasks of Case Managers. The Evolution Continues. 2.Case Management Settings. Categorizing by Organization. Categorizing by Payment. Categorizing by Type of Case Manager. Categorizing by Case Manager Function. Case Management with Society as the Client. 3.The Processes of Case Management. Outreach, Referral, and Prescreening. 4.Assessment. The Purpose of the Assessment. The Assessment Document. Interviewing for an Assessment. The Assessment Content. Summarizing the Assessment. 5.The Plan of Care. Goal Setting. Service Planning. Selecting Services. The Final Product. 6.Monitoring, Reassessment, and Disengagement. Monitoring. Reassessment. Disengagement. 7.Working with the Client. The Initial Interview. Building a Relationship. Defining Needs. Getting Responses to the Questions You Thought You Asked. Assessing the Responses. Establishing Credibility. Understanding the Client Population. Interviewing the Elderly. Terminating the Interview. Working with the Caregivers. 8.Working with Other Agencies. Types of Interagency Projects. Types of Interagency Relationships. Working with Noncontract Agencies. Knowing Providers. Establishing an Interagency Relationship. Who's in Charge? Monitoring Services of Other Agencies. Advocacy. Working with Contract Agencies. Problem Resolution. Working with Other Professionals. Potential Professional Conflicts. 9.Case Management as a Profession. Characteristics of Case Managers. Case Manager Certification. Case Management Standards. Case Management Associations. Case Management Ethics. Autonomy. Confidentiality. Client Rights. 10.Case Management Populations. Persons with Chronic Disabilities. The Elderly. HIV/AIDS Patients. Unwed/Teenage Mothers. Mental Health Clients. Veterans. The Developmentally Disabled. Child Abuse. School Children. Substance Abuse.

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