Defence under Thatcher
Bibliographic Information
Defence under Thatcher
(Southampton studies in international policy)
Palgrave, 2002
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Bibliography: p. 198-213
Includes index
Description and Table of Contents
Drawing upon a wide range of interviews with many of the key actors, Andrew Dorman examines how defence policy was formulated and implemented during the premiership of Margaret Thatcher. This period witnessed major transformations in international and domestic politics, with defence emerging from its traditional postwar position of relative insignificance to become one of the key issues at the 1983 and 1987 general elections. Dorman provides a new understanding of policymaking by analysing defence policy in terms of three constituent parts: declaratory policy; military strategy and procurement policy.
Table of Contents
Foreword Acknowledgements Glossary of Terms Introduction Context Defence under Pym Defence under Nott Defence under Heseltine Defence under Younger Conclusions Notes Select Bibliography Index
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