Promoting health : politics and practice


Bibliographic Information

Promoting health : politics and practice

edited by Lee Adams, Mary Amos, James Munro

SAGE, 2002

  • : pbk.

Other Title

Promoting health : politics & practice

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Includes bibliographical references (p. [183]-202) and index

Description and Table of Contents


`A very interesting melange of descriptive material - in the form of case studies - and more analytical and conceptual pieces covering the broad span of the health and well-being agenda' - Health Matters Promoting Health provides an up-to-date and accessible introduction to current health promotion and public health developments in the UK. The text provides both an outline of health promotion theory and draws on the experience of practitioners to demonstrate health promotion practice and provide students, policymakers and practitioners with practical and theoretical inspiration. Promoting Health: - shows clearly the links between health promotion theory and practice, by featuring a range of practical case studies - includes short papers on key issues within health promotion - provides a British focus on health promotion but within an international context This highly accessible volume seeks to present views of health promotion from a materialist perspective - a view widely shared in practice, but not previously explored fully within the literature.

Table of Contents

Foreword - Polly Toynbee Introduction - Lee Adams, Mary Amos and James Munro The Cycle of Conflict - Charles Webster and Jeff French The History of the Public Health and Health Promotion Movement Practising Health for all in the UK - Maddy Halliday Building a UK Public Health Movement - Geof Rayner A Phoenix from the Ashes? Promoting Social and Community Development in Sheffield - Lee Adams and Frances Cunning A Reflection of Ten Year's Work Sustainable Development and Health - Charles Secrett and Simon Bullock National and International Policy Perspectives - Martin Caraher Local Communities and Sustainable Regeneration in the East End of Sheffield - Sue Grieg and Neil Parry Environmental Justice - Eurig Scandrett Community Development - Mary Amos Theory, Opportunity, Serendipity - Martine Standish Community Development in Sheffield User Movements, Community Development and Health Promotion - Marian Barnes Community Development and Health Work in Northern Ireland - Ruth Sutherland Context, History and Development Social Exclusion, Discrimination and the Promotion of Health - Maria Duggan Anti-Poverty Strategies - Pete Alcock Disability and Public Health - Lorraine Gradwell Women and Public Health - Sue Laughlin Regeneration and Health - Hilary Russell The Wakefield Health Action Zone - Lee Adams A Case Study in Area-Focused Working Opportunities for Improving Health Through Regeneration - Deb Hankins and Melissa Stead Health and Local Food Initiatives - James Petts Public Services and Health - Dexter Whitfield and James Munro Education for Systems Change - Alan Beattie A Key Resource for Radical Action on Health Public Services, Public Health and Health Promotion - Fiona Campbell The Role of Local Authorities Citizens' Advice Bureaux in Primary Care - Judith Emanuel A Tool for Staff to Address Social and Economic Inequalities

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  • NCID
  • ISBN
    • 0761968334
    • 0761968342
  • Country Code
  • Title Language Code
  • Text Language Code
  • Place of Publication
  • Pages/Volumes
    xiii, 209 p.
  • Size
    25 cm
  • Classification
  • Subject Headings
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