Mission and catechesis : Alexandre de Rhodes and inculturation in seventeenth-century Vietnam


Mission and catechesis : Alexandre de Rhodes and inculturation in seventeenth-century Vietnam

Peter C. Phan

(Faith and cultures series)

Orbis Books, c1998

  • : cloth

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



Mission and Catechesis explores how de Rhodes contributed to Christianity's inculturation in Vietnam centuries ago. Considered the founder of Vietnamese Christianity, de Rhodes personally baptized thousands, organized the church in Tonkin and Annam, launched the "order of catechists, " and successfully lobbied to establish the hierarchy there. De Rhodes also left a permanent cultural legacy through his promotion of the romanization of Vietnamese script - which is used to this day as the national standard. For scholars of mission, church history, and Asia, as well as those involved in concrete issues of inculturation and catechesis today, Mission and Catechesis provides a fascinating history and a unique example of the how and why of inculturation.

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