Scaling of structural strength
Scaling of structural strength
Hermes Penton Science, 2002
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
This book, written by an internationally acknowledged subject expert, is concerned with a leading edge topic of interest and importance, exemplifying well the relationship between experimental data, material characteristics and structural engineering in practice. Its purpose is to focus on the effect of size on the various factors that affect the performance of structures, for example crack initiation, as well the causes of such size effects. Although there was empirical evidence for such effects in concrete specimens, this topic was considered to be controversial until recent years, but has now been given the attention it deserves, largely due to the pioneering work of the author.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Asymptotic Analysis of Size Effect
- 3. Randomness and Disorder
- 4. Energetic Scaling for Sea Ice and Concrete Structures
- 5. Energetic Scaling of Compression Fracture and Further applications to Concrete, Rock and Composites
- 6. Scaling via J-Integral, with applications to Kink Bands in Fibre Composites
- 7. Time Dependance, Repeated Loads and Energy Absorption Capacity
- 8. Computational Approaches to Quasibrittle Fracture and its Scaling
- 9. New Asymptotic Scaling Analysis of Cohesive Crack Model and Smeared-Tip Method
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