Professional practice for interior designers


Professional practice for interior designers

Christine M. Piotrowski

John Wiley & Sons, c2002

3rd ed

  • : cloth

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes index



Interior designers must be proficient in a variety of business practices to contribute to, manage, or launch a successful design office. This guide offers comprehensive coverage of professional practice for interior designers. The third edition provides a solid overview of the full range of legal, financial, management marketing, and administrative issues facing interior designers. The study's comprehensive approach embraces issues and procedures for commercial and residential design offices, and large and small businesses. It includes chapters on "personal power" and "setting up the studio" with information on the integration of technology into the design office.


Preface. Acknowledgments. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PROFESSION OF INTERIOR DESIGN. The Profession. Ethics. Personal Goal Setting. HOW TO ESTABLISH AN INTERIOR DESIGN PRACTICE. Planning a New Interior Design Practice. Advice and Counsel. Business Formations. Legal Filings. On Your Own. THE BUSINESS OF INTERIOR DESIGN. Business Organization and Management. The Planning Function. Personnel Management. Legal Issues of Employment. Legal Responsibilities. Warranties and Product Liability. MANAGING THE BUSINESS'S FINANCES. Financial Accounting. Financial Management. Determining Design Fees. Preparing Design Contracts. Product Pricing Considerations. The Sale of Goods and the Uniform Commercial Code. MARKETING AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. Marketing Interior Design Services. Promoting the Interior Design Practice. Advanced Promotional Tools. Selling Your Services. Design Presentations. Personal Power. PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Project Management Techniques. Working with Trade Sources. Contract Documents and Specifications. Contract Administration. Contract Administration: Delivery and Project Closeout. CAREERS. Career Options. Getting the Next--or First--Job. Glossary. Appendix. Index.

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