Scyld and Scef : expanding the analogues


Scyld and Scef : expanding the analogues

Alexander M. Bruce ; with a foreword by Paul E. Szarmach

Routledge, 2002


Scyld & Scef




Includes bibliographical references (p. 187-205) and index



Scyld and Scef is the first comprehensive study of these heroic figures of Germanic legend, featured in much of the literature of the Middle Ages, including Beowulf, TheAnglo-Saxon Chronicle and the Edda. The authors argue that this duo represent a way that medieval Germanic peoples defined themselves in their literature. Divided into two sections, this volume explores the specific cultures from which Scyld and Scef rose and the forty-one manuscripts in which they appear.


Part I. Commentary 1. Introduction 2. Scyld and Scef in Anglo-Saxon Poetry 3. Scyld and Scef in English Genealogies of the Anglo-Saxon Period 4. Scyld and Scef in English Records of the Twelfth through Fifteenth Centuries 5. Scyld and Scef in Icelandic Sources: Scyld, Son of Odin 6. Scyld and Scef in Danish Sources: Scyld, Descendant of Dan 7. A final Perspective Part II: The Analogues (in the original and translation) Introductory Comments 1. AEcthelward, Chronicon . AEthelwardi 2, AEttartala fra Adam til Sigurdar a Grenjadarstoedum 3. AEttartoelur 4. The Anglo Saxon Chronicle 5. Annales Ryenses 6. Annales Slesuicenses 7. Asser, Life of King Alfred 8. Bartholomaei de Cotton, Historica Anglicana (AD 449-1298) 9. Beowulf 10. Catalogus Regum Daniae Brevior 11. A Chronicle Roll of Henry Vi 12. Eulogium 13. Florence of Worcester, Chronicon ex Chronicus 14. Fragmentum vetus Islandicum Historico-Geographicum de rebus Dano-Norvegicis 15. Incerti Auctoris Genealogia Regum Danie 16. Langfedgatal 17. Matthew of Westminster, Flores Historiarum 18. Matthew Paris, Chronica Majora 19. MS AM 1 e ss II 20. MS AM 22 fol. 21. MS Cotton Tiberius B. v, Part I 22. Nomina Regum Danorum 23. Petri Olai, Petri Olai Minoritoe Roskildensis Chronica Regum Danorum, a Dano ad Obitum Johannis Regis 24. The Red Book of the Exchequer 25. Reges Danorum 26. Richard of Cirencester (Ricardi di Cirencestria), Speculum Historiale de gestis ewgum Angliae 27. Roger of Howden (Rogeri de Houdene), Chronica Magistri 28. Roger of Wendover, Libri qui dicitur Flores Hisoriarum 29. Saxo Grammaticus, Gesta Danorum 30. Saxonis Gesta DanorumL Ab incerto auctore 31. Series ac Brevior Historica Regum Daniae 32. Simeon of Durham, Symenois Monachi Historica Regum 33. Skjoldunga Saga Dansaga Arngrims Laeda 34. Snorri Sturluson, Edda (Prologue) 35. Snorri Sturluson, Edda: Skaldskaparmal 36. Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla: Ynglinga Saga 37. Sven Aggesen, Short History of the Kings of Denmark 38. Textus Roffensis 39. Vidoetir vid Olafs Soegu hins Helga 40. Widsid 41. William of Malmesbury, De Gestis Regum Anglorum Bibliography

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