Party development and democratic change in post-Communist Europe : the first decade


Party development and democratic change in post-Communist Europe : the first decade

edited by Paul G. Lewis

(Democratization studies)

Frank Cass, 2001

  • pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



This work surveys processes of party development in the context of the ten years of democratic change in post-communist eastern Europe. It examines the capacity of the former ruling parties to attract contemporary voters and their role in contributing to the consolidation of the new democratic regimes.


  • Democratization and political change in post-communist Estaern Europe, P.G. Lewis
  • toward a Soviet past or a socialist future? understanding why voters choose communist parties, S. Oates, W.L.Miller and A. Grodeland
  • successor parties and democratic consolidation in post-communist politics, J. Ishiyama
  • party system institutionalization in new democracies: Poland - a trend setter with no followers, R. Markowski
  • the "Professionalization" of party campaigning in post-communist Poland, A. Szczerbiak
  • party and state in democratic Slovenia, A Krasovec
  • institutions and party development in the Baltic States, V. Pettai
  • Slovakia 10 years after the collapse of communist rule, G. Wightman
  • perspectives on democratic party development in Belarus, E. Korastelava
  • conservatism and party identity in Eatsern Europe, K. Lok Chan
  • patterns of Europeanization and transnational party cooperation - party development in Central and Eastern Europe, G. Pridham
  • conclusion - party development and democratization in Eastern Europe, P.G.Lewis.

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