Law and anthropology


Law and anthropology

edited by Martha Mundy

(The international library of essays in law and legal theory, 2nd ser.)

Ashgate : Dartmouth, c2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 38



Includes bibliographies and index



This volume provides an introduction to the major themes and theoretical perspectives of contemporary work in Law and Anthropology. It reflects both important recent ethnography of law and the state, and the dialogue of jurists and anthropologists concerning legal institutions in the present era of economic globalization and renewed civil and international conflict.


  • Contents: Law and Anthropology: Law and societies, Peter Fitzpatrick
  • Representing in-between: law, anthropology and the rhetoric of interdisciplinarity, Annelise Riles. Theoretical Perspectives of Legal Anthropology in the 1990s: The folly of the 'social scientific' concept of legal pluralism, Brian Z. Tamanaha
  • The force of law: towards a sociology of the juridical field, Pierre Bourdieu
  • Controlling processes: tracing the dynamic components of power, Laura Nader
  • Inventing law in local settings: rethinking popular legal culture, Barbara Yngvesson. Person and Identity: The Political Subject of State and Nation: The Responsibility of the Subject and the Context of the Punishment: Sanctioned identities: legal constructions of modern personhood, Jane F. Collier, Bill Maurer and Liliana SuA!rez-Navaz
  • Transnationalism, nationalism, citizenship and property: Eastern Europe since 1989, Katherine Verdery
  • Alternative readings: the status of the Status of Children Act in Antigua and Barbuda, Mindie Lazarus-Black
  • Written identities
  • legal subjects in an Islamic state, Brinkley Messick
  • Gender, power and legal pluralism: Rajasthan, India, Erin P. Moore
  • Global human rights and local social movements in a legally plural world, Sally Engle Merry
  • Vengeance, victims and the identities of law, Austin Sarat
  • Reconciliation and revenge in post-apartheid South Africa: rethinking legal pluralism and human rights, Richard A. Wilson. Property: The Constitution of Owners and Objects Owned: From production to property: decollectivization and the family-land relationship in contemporary Hungary, C.M. Hann
  • The misrule of law: land and usurpation in Brazil, James Holston
  • Suspended in space: Bedouins under the law of Israel, Ronen Shamir
  • Culture in a sealed envelope: the concealment of Australian Aboriginal heritage and tradition in the Hindmarsh Island bridge affair, James F. Weiner
  • Singers of the landscape: song, history and property rights in the Malaysian rain forest, Marina Roseman
  • Can culture be copyrighted?, Michael F. Brown
  • (Im)materiality and sociality: the dynamics of intellectual property in a computer software research culture, Georgina Born
  • Potential property: intellectual rights and property in persons, Marilyn Strathern
  • The inscription of life in law: genes, patents and bio-politics, Alain Pottage. State and Law under Colonial Rule: From little king to landlord: property, law and the gift under the Madras Permanent Settlement, Nicholas B. Dirks
  • Rule-by-records and rule-by-reports: complementary aspects of the British imperial rule of law, Richard Saumarez Smith
  • Treating law as knowledge: telling colonial officers what to say to Africans about running 'their own' native courts, Sally Falk Moore
  • Name index.

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  • ISBN
    • 0754620824
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xxvi, 703 p.
  • 大きさ
    26 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID