Elections and voters in Britain


Elections and voters in Britain

David Denver

(Contemporary political studies)

Palgrave Macmillan, 2003

  • : pbk
  • : hbk


Revision of: Elections and voting behaviour in Britain. 2nd ed. New York : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994

Includes bibliographical references (p. 198-207) and indexes



This title is a revised and extended replacement for the same author's text on "Elections and Voting Behaviour in Britain" in the same series. The book provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of electoral politics today and of its evolution in the post war period. Two entirely new chapters focus on electoral reform and on the main theoretical approaches to the study of elections and voting.


Studying British Elections - Turnout: Why People Vote (or Don't) - Party Choice in the Era of Alignment - Dealignment and its Consequences - Issues, Ideology, Images and Leaders: The Rise of Judgmental Voting - Campaigning and the Mass Media - Electoral Geography and Electoral Systems - Elections and Party Choice in Contemporary Britain

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