Natural resource conservation : management for a sustainable future


Natural resource conservation : management for a sustainable future

Daniel D. Chiras, John P. Reganold, Oliver S. Owen

Prentice Hall, c2002

8th ed.


Includes glossary and index



For introductory-level, undergraduate courses in natural resource conservation, natural resource management, environmental science, and environmental conservation. This comprehensive text provides the ecological principles, policies, and practices to manage a sustainable future. It emphasizes practical, cost-effective, sustainable solutions to these problems that make sense from social, economic, and environmental perspectives.


Preface. Acknowledgments. Biographies. 1. Natural Resource Conservation and Management: Past, Present, and Future. A Crisis on Planet Earth? Differing Viewpoints: Are We on a Sustainable Course. A Brief History of the Resource Conservation, Environmental, and Sustainability Movements. Case Study: The Earth Summit and Beyond. Classification of Natural Resources. Approaches to Natural Resource Management. Changing Realities: The Nemesis Effect. New Tools for Resource Management: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing. 2. Economics and Ethics, and Critical Thinking: Tools for Creating a Sustainable Future. Ethics in Resource Conservation. Ethics Versus Economics. Understanding Economics. Creating a Sustainable Economy. Toward Sustainable Ethics. Case Study: Geographic Information Systems and Ecological Justice. Critical Thinking and Sustainable Development. 3. Lessons from Ecology. Levels of Organization. Scientific Principles Relevant to Ecology. The Flow of Energy through Ecosystems. Principles of Ecology. The Biomes Case Study. Life Returns to Mount St. Helens: A Dramatic Example of Succession. Ecology and Sustainability. 4. The Human Population Challenge. Understanding Populations and Population Growth. The Impacts of Over Population. Population Growth in the More Developed Nations: A Closer Look. Ethics in Resource Conservation. Is Reproduction A Personal Right? Population Growth in the Less Developed Nations: A Closer Look. Controlling the Growth of the World's Population. Human Population and the Earth's Carrying Capacity. Case Study: China: One of Family. Plannings Success Stories? 5. World Hunger: Solving the Problem Sustainably. World Hunger: Dimensions of the Problem. Increasing Food Supplies Sustainably: An Overview. Ethics In Resource Conservation. Feeding People or Controlling. Population Growth. Poverty Conflict and Free Trade: Vital Strategies Needed to Feed the Worlds People. 6. The Nature of Soils. Value of Soil. Characteristics of Soil. Soil Formation. The Soil Profile. Soil Classification. 7. Soil Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture. The Nature of Soil Erosion. The Dust Bowl. The Shelterbelt Program. Soil Erosion Today. Factors Affecting the Rate of Soil Erosion by Water. Controlling Soil Erosion by Water. Case Study: A 100-Year Study of the Effects of Cropping on Soil Erosion A Closer Look. The Universal Soil Loss Equation. Alternative Agriculture. Sustainable Agriculture GIS and Remote Sensing GIS, Remote Sensing, and Precision Farming. 8. Pesticides: Protecting Our Crops, Our Health, and Our Environment. Where Do Pests Come From? Types of Chemical Pesticides: An Historical Perspective. How Effective Are Pesticides? How Hazardous Are Pesticides? Sustainable Pest Control GIS and Remote Sensing Using Satellite Remote Sensing to Detect Pest Damage in Oregon's Forests. Case Study: Tsetse Flies Brought Under Control in Zanzibar. Are Pesticides Adequately Regulated? 9. Aquatic Environments. Wetlands. The Lake Ecosystem. The Stream Ecosystem. The Coastal Environment. The Ocean. 10. Managing Resource Sustainability Waters. The Water Cycle. Flooding: Problems and Solutions. Case Study: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1993. GIS and Remote Sensing GIS Aids Snow Monitoring and Modeling at the National Weather Service. Water Shortages: Issues and Solutions. Irrigation: Issues and Solutions. 11. Water Pollution. Types of Water Pollution. Major Pollutants and Their Control. Case Study: The Zebra Mussel: A Water Contaminant From Europe. Sewage Treatment and Disposal. Case Study: Invisible Threat: Toxic Chemicals in The Great Lakes. Legislating Water Pollution Control. Pollution of Oceans. A World View of Water Pollution. 12. Fisheries Conservation. Freshwater Fisheries. Environmental Limitations to the Reproductive Potential of Freshwater Fish. Case Study: The Sea Lamprey Scourge of The Great Lakes. Sustainable Freshwater Fisheries Management. Case Study: Rebuilding Fish and Wildlife Populations on the Columbia River Drainage System A Closer Look. Salmon Fever in The Great Lakes. Marine Fisheries. Problems Facing the Marine Fisheries Industry. Sustainable Marine Fisheries Management. Aquaculture. 13. Rangeland Management. Ecology of Rangelands. A Closer Look: Prairie Restoration and the National Grasslands Story. Brief History of Range Use in the United States. A Closer Look: Causes of Desertification. Rangeland Resources and Condition. A Closer Look: Range Wars: Ranche Versus Environmentalists. Range Management. Case Study: Methods of Coyote Control. 14. Forest Management. Forest Ownership. The U.S. Forest Service. Harvesting Trees. A Closer Look: The Monoculture Controversy. Reforestation A Closer Look: Genetic Engineering: The Key to Tomorrow's Superforests. Control of Forest Pests. Fire Management. A Closer Look: Controlling Insect Outbreaks with Heterotypes. Meeting Future Timber Demands. Preserving Wilderness. A Closer Look: Forest Conservation by Effficient Utilization. Protecting Natural Resources: National Parks. A Closer Look: The Wilderness Controversy. Reversing Tropical Deforestation. 15. Plant and Animal Extinction. Extinction: Eroding the Earth's Biological Diversity. Understanding Population Dynamics. Causes of Extinction. Case Study: Dam Versus Darter: A Classic Confrontation. Case Study: The Passenger Pigeon: The Many Causes of Extinction. GIS Remote Sensing Mapping Noxious Weeds With GIS. Ethics in Resource Management: Do Other Species have a Right to Exist? Methods of Preventing Extinction. The Endangered Species Act. 16. Wildlife Management. Wildlife. Types of Animal Movements. Mortality Factors. A Closer Look: The Hunting Controversy. Wildlife Management. Regulating Populations. Case Study: The Everglades: Water Troubles in A Wildlife Paradise. Ethics in Resource Conservation: To Kill or Not to Kill. Nongame Wildlife. 17. Sustainable Waste Management. Municipal Waste: Tapping a Wasted Resource. Managing Our Municipal Solid Wastes Sustainably. Ethics in Resource Conservation: Do We Have an Obligation to Future Generations? Waste Disposal: The Final Option. Hazardous Wastes. Case Study: The Chemical Time Bomb at Love Canal. Case Study: Exporting Toxic Troubles. 18. Air Pollution. Pollution of the Atmosphere. Major Atmospheric Pollutants. A Closer Look: The Clean Air Act. Factors Affecting Air Pollution Concentrations. Effects of Air Pollution on Local Climate. Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health. Case Study: Asbestos: The Dangers of a Useful Product. Air Pollution Abatement and Control. Case Study: Getting Charged Up Over Electric Cars. Indoor Air Pollution. Case Study: Tobacco Smoke: The Deadliest Air Pollutant. 19. Air Pollution: Global Problems. Global Climate Change. Acid Deposition GIS and Remote Sensing. GIS Aids Emergency Response and Survival Strategies in Bangladesh. Depletion of Stratospheric Ozone. Ethics in Resource Conservation: Debate Over Global Warming and Ozone Depletion: Do We Have an Obligation to Other Countries? 20. Minerals, Mining, and a Sustainable Society. Supply and Demand. Can We Expand Our Mineral Supplies? Mineral Conservation Strategies. Environmental Impacts of Mineral Production. 21. Nonrenewable Energy Resources: Issues and Options. Global Energy Sources: An Overview. A Closer Look at Nonrenewable Energy Resources. The Nuclear Energy Option: Is It Sustainable? Fusion Reactors. America's Energy Future. 22. Creating a Sustainable System of Energy: Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Conservation. Renewable Energy Strategies. Afterword. Glossary. Illustration. Acknowledgments. Index.

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