Micro total analysis systems 2002 : proceedings of the μTAS 2002 Symposium, held in Nara, Japan, 3-7 November 2002
Bibliographic Information
Micro total analysis systems 2002 : proceedings of the μTAS 2002 Symposium, held in Nara, Japan, 3-7 November 2002
(MESA monographs)
Kluwer Academic, c2002
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- v. 1
- v. 2
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
- Volume
v. 1 ISBN 9781402010095
The Sixth International Conference on Miniaturized Chemical and Biochemical Analysis Systems, known as /JTAS2002, will be fully dedicated to the latest scientific and technological developments in the field of miniaturized devices and systems for realizing not only chemical and biochemical analysis but also synthesis. The first /JTAS meeting was held in Enschede in 1994 with approximately 160 participants, bringing together the scientists with background in analytical and biochemistry with those with Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) in one workshop. We are grateful to Piet Bergveld and Albert van den Berg of MESA Research Institute of the University of Twente for their great efforts to arrange this exciting first meeting. The policy of the meeting was succeeded by late Prof. Dr. Michael Widmer in the second meeting, /JTAS'96 held in Basel with 275 participants. The first two meetings were held as informal workshops. From the third workshop, /JTAS'98 (420 participants) held in Banff, the workshop had become a worldwide conference. Participants continued to increase in /JTAS2000 (about 500 participants) held in Enschede and /JTAS2001 (about 700 participants) held in Monterey. The number of submitted papers also dramatically increased in this period from 130 in 1998, 230 in 2000 to nearly 400 in 2001. From 2001, /JTAS became an annual symposium. The steering committee meeting held in Monterey, confrrmed the policy of former /JTAS that quality rather than quantity would be the key-point and that the parallel-session format throughout the 3.
Table of Contents
Day 1.- Day 1 Posters.- Day 2.- Day 2 Posters.
- Volume
set ISBN 9781402010118
The International Conference on Miniaturized Chemical and Biochemical Analysis Systems - muTAS - is an annual meeting focusing on the research, development and application of micro fabricated devices and systems for chemical and biochemical measurements. The technology encompasses extensive areas of application in clinical diagnostics, genomics and proteomics, environmental assays, separation science, cellular analysis or drug discovery.
This volume contains the proceedings of the muTAS2002 held in Nara, Japan, November 3-7, 2002. The collection of all invited and contributed papers represents the latest state-of-the-art in devices and microsystems for chemical and biochemical applications. These proceedings will be a valuable tool for the researches in MEMS, nanotechnology chemical/biochemical, medical and pharmaceutical fields.
Table of Contents
Volume 1: Day 1: Cell Growth and Monitoring. Separation, General. Gels for Biochemical Analysis. Micro Analysis Systems. DNA Separation. Droplet Base Fluidics. Posters: Fluid Mechanics & Design Tools. Micro Machining Methods. Micropumps & Microvalves. Cinical Diagnosis. Genomics and Proteomics. Micro-Optical Systems. Day 2: DNA Assay. Nano Fluidics. Magnetic. Materials. Sample Prep System. Microfluidics I. Day 2: Posters: Microfluidics I. Plastic Machining. Materials. Electrochemical Detection. Mass Spectrometry. Novel Detection Techniques. Environmental Assays. Separation Science. Volume 2: Day 3 : Proteonics. Microfluidics II. Sample Preparation. Detection Systems. Cell Manipulation in Flows. Separation, Concepts. Posters: Microfluidics II. Microfluidic Components. Nanotechnology. Cellular Analysis. Drug Discovery. Biochemical Applications. Novel Quantification Strategies. Day 4: Single Cell Analysis. Nano-Microfabrication. DNA System. Microfluidics III. Authors Index. Subject Index.
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