France in the central Middle Ages, 900-1200


France in the central Middle Ages, 900-1200

edited by Marcus Bull

(The short Oxford history of France)

Oxford University Press, 2002

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Includes bibliographical references and index



: hbk ISBN 9780198731849


This volume provides a variety of complementary points of entry to the history of France between 900 and 1200. Chapters contributed by a leading team of historians cover key themes such as France's political culture and identity, rural economy and society, the Church, and France's relations with the outside world.


  • Introduction
  • 1. Constructing Identities of Medieval France
  • 2. Political Culture
  • 3. Rural Economy and Society
  • 4. The South
  • 5. The Church
  • 6. The French Overseas
  • Conclusion
  • Further Reading
  • Chronology
  • Maps

: pbk ISBN 9780198731856


Contributed by a leading team of historians, each chapter in this volume in the Short Oxford History of France focuses on a key theme of the period, such as France's political culture and identity, rural economy and society, the Church, intellectual history, and France's relations with the outside world. Beginning in 900, the volume is able to trace the emergence of France as a country, and the people's sense of national identity. Encompassing every region of France and covering key events, such as the election of Hugh Capet as King in 987 and the Norman conquest of England in 1066, this volume provides a fully rounded and lively introduction to the history of France in the central middle ages.


  • Introduction
  • 1. Constructing Identities of Medieval France
  • 2. Political Culture
  • 3. Rural Economy and Society
  • 4. The South
  • 5. The Church
  • 7. The French Overseas
  • Conclusion
  • Further Reading
  • Chronology
  • Maps

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