
Impressions of Bhutan and Tibetan art

edited by John Ardussi & Henk Blezer, with the assistance of Abel Zadoks

(Brill's Tibetan studies library, v. 2 . PIATS 2000 : Tibetan studies : proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000 ; 3 . Tibetan studies ; 3)

Brill, 2002


Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the IATS, 2000

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10




The proceedings of the seminars of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS) have developed into the most representative world-wide cross-section of Tibetan Studies. They are an indispensable reference-work for anyone interested in Tibet and capture the cutting edge of Tibet-related research. This volume is the last of three volumes of general proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the IATS. It is a richly illustrated book, containing a careful selection of scholarly and academic articles that open surprising perspectives on Bhutan and discuss Tibetan artwork. The complete series covers ten volumes. The other seven volumes are the outcome of expert panels. Of special interest to readers of this book is the edited volume by Deborah Klimburg-Salter and Eva Allinger (art history).

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