Foreign direct investment in Kazakhstan : politico-legal aspects of post-Communist transition


Foreign direct investment in Kazakhstan : politico-legal aspects of post-Communist transition

E.K. Dosmukhamedov

(St. Antony's series)

Palgrave in association with St. Antony's College, Oxford, 2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references (p. 209-234) and index



The collapse of the centrally planned systems of the former Soviet Union stands out as one of the most important global events of the 20th century. The transformation from a centralized economic system to a market system created major opportunities for Western corporations to enter markets that had formerly been closed to them. In this text E.K. Dosmukhamedov employs a distinctive approach to the study of post-communist transition by analysing foreign direct investment (FDI) from a political, legal and economic standpoint. Kazakhstan, the second largest country of the former USSR, is used as a case study to illustrate the role of FDI in restructuring the economy of the former Soviet Union countries in the post-communist era.


Acknowledgements Introduction Methodological Approach The Units of Analysis The Law on FDI of Kazakhstan: Origins, Principles and Structure Types and Choice of the Model of Legal Regulation of FDI The Kazakh Model of Legal Regulation of FDI Legal Regulation of FDI and the Legal Reform The State as the Subject of Legal Regulation of FDI Conclusion Bibliography Statutes Index

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