Same-sex desire in Victorian religious culture


Same-sex desire in Victorian religious culture

Frederick S. Roden

Palgrave Macmillan, 2002


Includes bibliographical references and index



Same-Sex Desire in Victorian Religious Culture examines the role of Christian history in nineteenth-century definitions of homosexual identity. Roden charts the emergence of the modern homosexual in relation to religious, not exclusively sociological discourses. Positing Catholicism as complementary to classical Greece, he challenges the separatism of sexuality and religion in critical practice. Moving from Newman and Rossetti, to Hopkins, Wilde, and Michael Field amongst others, Same-Sex Desire claims a new literary history, bringing together gay studies and theology in Victorian literature.


Acknowledgements Introduction PART I: COMMUNITY Queer Virginity and the Oxford Movement: Newman and Dalgairns Christina Rossetti: The Female Queer Virgin PART II: CONSCIOUSNESS Female Religious Homoeroticism: The Sisters Rossetti and Keary Eremitic Homoerotics: The Religious Culture of Gerard Manley Hopkins PART III: COMSUMMATION Oscar Wilde as Queer Theologian Queer Hagiography: John Gray and Andre Raffalovich Lesbian Trinitarianism, Canine Catholicism: Michael Field Catholic Homosexuality at the Fin-de Siecle Conclusion Notes Works Cited Index

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