But enough about me : why we read other people's lives
But enough about me : why we read other people's lives
(Gender and culture / edited by Carolyn G. Heilbrun and Nancy K. Miller)
Columbia University Press, c2002
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
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Includes bibliographical references
In her latest work of personal criticism, Nancy K. Miller tells the story of how a girl who grew up in the 1950s and got lost in the 1960s became a feminist critic in the 1970s. As in her previous books, Miller interweaves pieces of her autobiography with the memoirs of contemporaries in order to explore the unexpected ways that the stories of other people's lives give meaning to our own. The evolution she chronicles was lived by a generation of literary girls who came of age in the midst of profound social change and, buoyed by the energy of second-wave feminism, became writers, academics, and activists. Miller's recollections form one woman's installment in a collective memoir that is still unfolding, an intimate page of a group portrait in process.
1. But Enough About Me, What Do You Think of My Memoir? 2. Decades 3. Circa 1959 4. The Marks of Time 5. "Why Am I Not that Woman?" Epilogue: My Grandfather's Cigarette Case, or What I Learned in Memphis
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