Vertebral osteoporotic compression fractures
Vertebral osteoporotic compression fractures
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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Written by internationally recognized experts from Europe and the United States, this volume is a comprehensive, up-to-date review of the physiology, biomechanics, natural history, clinical presentation, complications, diagnosis, and medical and surgical treatment of vertebral osteoporosis and compression fractures. The coverage includes detailed information on vertebroplasty and the use of synthetic bone void filler for repair of vertebral fractures. Other chapters discuss pharmacological management of osteoporosis, physical activity and exercise recommendations, use of orthoses for vertebral compression fractures, and pain management. Several contributors offer decision-making advice on when to operate and analyze the costs and benefits of medical and surgical treatment.
- Introduction: Biology, physiology and morphology of bone, C.T. Rubin
- Biomechanics of compression fractures, M. Pope
- Biomechanics and physiology of fragile vertebra, T. Hansson
- Computer modelization, T. Keller. Presentation and aetiology: Epidemiology and risk factors, A. Licata
- Incidence of osteoporotic deformity, S. Pluym
- Natural history, F. Balague
- Clinical presentation and differential diagnosis, B. Rydevik
- Consequences of kyphotic deformity, S. Eisenstein
- Mechanism of pain, C. Pither
- Neurological complications, M. Benoist. Diagnosis: Assessment of vertebral osteoporosis, J. Kanis
- Imaging and differential diagnosis, J. Wilmink. Conservative treatment modalities: Initial assesment and emergency room attitude, P. Gillet
- Basis for pharmacological treatment, O. Johnell
- Pharmacological treatments, V. Halkin, J.-Y. Reginster
- Physical medicine, exercise and revalidation, M. Nordin
- Conservative treatment of kyphosis, T. Hansson
- Orthoses, B. Koes
- Pain clinic, C. Pither. Surgical treatment modalities: Vertebral augmentation - General principles of vertebroplasty and techniques, Kyphoplasty, Use of methylmetacrylate, Use of cortoss, Treatment of osteoporotic fractures through a microsurgical interlaminary approach, Percutaneous Vertebroplasty in the Treatment of Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures - What can we learn from the bad results?, Vertebral compression fractures treated with the BAG inflated with bone graft slurry
- Open surgery - When to operate?, Lumbar osteoporotic compression fractures if surgery is indicated, Augmentation of pedicle screws with cement, Vertebrectomy and vertebral replacement. Prevention of recurrence: Medical, O. Johnell
- Prophylactic augmentation, P. Heini
- Behavioural, M. Nordin. Economic considerations in the management of osteoporotic spinal compression fractures: Principles of cost-benefit ratio, C. Melot
- Burden of osteoporosis, O. Johnell
- Costs of kyphoplasty versus conservative treatment, A. Licata.
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