Recent advances in human brain mapping : proceedings of the 12th World Congress of the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography (ISBET 2001)


    • World Congress of the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography
    • Hirata, Koichi


Recent advances in human brain mapping : proceedings of the 12th World Congress of the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography (ISBET 2001)

editors, Koichi Hirata ... [et al.]

(International congress series, no. 1232)

Elsevier, 2002


Recent advances in human brain mapping

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8




These proceedings cover a wide range of topics in the field of brain function mapping; from basic neuroscience to clinical applications. It provides an important overview of brain mapping research and will be useful reading for the neuroscientist who intends to clarify the brain function using physiological or imaging techniques. Techniques used include EEG, ERP, PET, SPECT, MEG, MRI, MRS, fMRI and optic topography.


Preface. Key note contributions. Probabilistic maps of primary current mean intensity for somatosensory-evoked fields (C. Bertrand, Y. Hamada, H. Kado). EEG/MEG brain mapping of human pain: recent advances (A.C.N. Chen). Frontal lobe contribution to response inhibition process - an ERP study and aging effect (H. Bokura et al.). The role of lateral prefrontal cortex in working memory: evidence from event-related fMRI studies (M. D'Esposito, B. R. Postle, B. Rypma). Monkey vocalization and cortical field potential (H. Gemba et al.). Spatiotempotal distributions of brain oscillation during silent reading (M. Hirata et al.). Homuncular representation in the somatosensory cortices revealed by somatosensory evoked magnetic fields (M. Hoshiyama et al.). Topographic change of ERP due to discrimination of CV syllables with various vowel duration (M. Hosokawa et al.). Phonetically determined asymmetry of the mismatch negativity in Japanese (K. Ikeda et al.). Different reading processes in different writing systems - ERP analysis using LORETA (K. Ishiwatari, Y. Koga, K. Nagata). Cerebral blood volume activation pattern as biological substrate of personality: multichannel near-infrared spectroscopy study in healthy subjects (M. Ito et al.). Magnetoencephalographic analysis of verbal generation and expression-related neural mechanisms using capping verses, "SHIRITORI' paradigm (Y. Kaneko et al.). Physiological basis for mapping brain activation through vascular response (I. Kanno, T. Matsuura). The attentional disengagement processing reflected by ERPs and saccade reaction times during a gap task (Y. Kawakubo et al.). The perception of speech sounds by the human brain as reflected by the mismatch negativity brain response (R. N t nen). A study of ? waves on the frontal area (K. Kawano, M. Yamamoto, H. Kokubo). Serotonin modulates the intensity dependence of auditory-evoked magnetic fields in healthy subjects. Evidence from MEG with tryptophan depletion (S. K hk nen et al.). The effect of the aroma from soybeans after heating on EEG (C. Konagai et al.). Left inferior frontal gyrus activation by inhibition of habitual behaviors (M. Matsubara et al.). Poor self-control in personality inventory and reduced volume of supplementary motor area (M. Matsui et al.). Dissociable mechanisms of attentional shifts within the human prefrontal cortex (Y. Nagahama, H. Fukuyama, H. Shibasaki). Analysis of gustatory-related brain magnetic fields induced by taste sensation (H. Nagai et al.). N400m response elicited by incongruous and congruous with low expectancy completion of sentences (K. Ohta et al.). A VEP study on visual processing of global structure (S. Oka, Y. Ejima). Source localization of brain electric activity during positive, neutral and negative emotional states (T. Isotani et al.). High frequency oscillations and underlying early cortical responses in SEPs and SEFs (I. Ozaki, I. Hashimoto). Brain responses to signals ascending through C-fibers (L. Plaghki, A. Mouraux). Pre-existing semantic knowledge and DM effect (K. Satoh et al.). Topographical distribution of the auditory N400 component during lexical decision and recognition memory tasks (H. Tachibana et al.). Somatosensory information processing in area 3b for thumb and middle finger in humans (M. Tanosaki et al.). Transient and steady-state VEPs - reappraisal (S. Tobimatsu). Measuring conduction velocity of C-fibers in humans by somatosensory cerebral-evoked potentials (T.D. Tran et al.). Discriminative sensitivity inside temporal window of sensory memory (H. Yabe). Topography of lower extremity SSEP components: comparison of those with median nerve SSEP (T. Yamada, K. Inoue). Methodological considerations. Acute and sub-acute, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies on the effects of S-adenosyl-L-methionine on information processing by ERP-mapping and LORETA (P. Anderer et al.). High resolution EGG: modeling time, space, and phase of SEPs following upper limb stimulation (C. Babiloni et al.). The relationship between co-recorded [H2 15O]-PET and EEG functional tomography (LORETA) before and during pharmacological activation (A. Gamma et al.). Recent advances in MEG studies of the human somatosensory cortex: noninvasive monitoring of cortical plasticity (I. Hashimoto). Magnetic field tomography: theory, applications and examples from the visual system (A.A. Ioannides). EEG on-line analysis for autonomous adaptive interface (Y. Ishiwaka, H. Yokoi, Y. Kakazu). Dynamic brain activation during visual infrequent target detection processing (S. Iwaki, N. Hirata, M. Tonoike). Event-related potentials in a similarity grouping task (J. Jung et al.). Integrated EEG monitoring system of brain functions during operations (Y. Kaji et al.). Brain temperature measurements during speech in patients with brain tumors: new methods for identification of the speech area in intraoperative brain mappings (F. Yamane et al.). The application of SAM virtual sensor method for analysis of epileptic discharges: comparison with simultaneously recorded ECoG (A. Kato et al.). Source estimation of spikes by a combination of independent component analysis and RAP-MUSIC (K. Kobayashi et al.). Decomposing the EEG in time, space and frequency: a formal model, existing methods, and new proposals (T. Koenig, D. Hubl, T.J. Mueller). Estimation of regional cerebral blood flow in infants by near-infrared topography with ICG (T. Kusaka et al.). Properties of concentration changes of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin in the prefrontal cortex during the tasks of executive functions measured by infrared spectroscopy. (T. Koike et al.). Temporal association of MMN multiple generators: high density recording (128 channels) (J.S. Kwon et al.). Attention and visual interference stimulation affect somatosensory evoked magnectic fields (K. Lam et al.). A study on multiple source separation using spline laplacian: simulation and ERP measurements (Y. Li et al.). Simultaneous recording of EEG and functional MRI (T. Matsuda et al.). Changes in event related potentials due to attention switching (T. Mitsubayashi et al.). How regularities in stimulus series and in ISI affect on MMN in persons with intellectual disabilities (K. Nakagawa et al.). Measurements of brain magnetic fields associated with apparent self-motion (S. Nakagawa et al.). Measurements of brain magnetic fields evoked by bone-conducted ultrasounds - effects of stimulation side on N1m (S. Nakagawa et al.). The new windows-based deviation ratio topography system (F. Shichijo et al.). Temporal characteristics of cerebral blood volume change in motor and somatosensory corices revealed by multichannel near-infrared spectroscopy (T. Suto et al.). Spatially interpolated group averaging with 256-channel event-related potential data (S. Suwazono, M.E. Pflieger, T. Nakada). Microstate analysis of information processing in a reading task with Kanji and Katakana (H. Tanaka, D. Lehmann, K. Hirata). Clinical application of magnetoencephalography (T. Tsutada). Spatially filtered MEG analysis estimates propagation of cortical activities during the stroop task (S. Ukai et al.). Age differences in cortical activation during the kana recognition test with fMRI (K. Yamashita et al.). Benefit of combined use of EEG and MEG dipole (H. Yoshinaga et al.). Source localization and functional imaging. Reduction of ballistocardiogram with a vacuum head-fixating system during simultaneous fMRI and multi-channel monopolar EEG recording (K. Anami et al.). Prefrontal structures involved in the continuous attention test performance as localised by the low resolution electromagnetic tomoghraphy (A. Basinska-Starzycka, R. D. Pascual-Marqui). EEG source locations after guessed random events in believers and skeptics of paranormal phenomena (L.R.R. Gianotti, P.L. Faber, D. Lehmann). Localization of focus in intractable epilepsy with pharmacological (bemegride) SPECT and pharmacological functional MRI (A. Matsumura et al.). Dipole source localization of ictal epileptiform activity in estimation of epileptogenic zone (S. Mine et al.). Functional imaging of the brain in infant using near infrared topography under sedated sleep (K. Nagano et al.). Comparisons of auditory cortical imaging for the various dichotic listening (M. Nakagawa et al.). Analysis of the source in the sensory area during sef-paced finger movements (M. Niimi et al.). Neutral substrates for postural balance in humans (Y. Ouchi et al.). Sensory motor organization and re-organization in normals and patients using a combined MEG and fMRI approach (G.-L. Romani, C.Del Gratta, V. Pizzella). Detection of brain activation area during urine storage with 0-15 H20 PET (T. Shiga et al.). Brain activity with reading Japanese sentences - a study using magnetoencephalography (Y. Shirahama et al.). Topographic ERP changes due to displacements of visuo-spatial attention (H. Shinoda et al.). Difference of semantic processing and character types in silent reading of words - a study using MEG (A. Takashima et al.). Assessing normal brain function with magnetoencephalography (J.W. Wheless et al.). A magnetoencephalographic study on Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (L. Wang, R. Kakigi, M. Hoshiyama). Neurological disorders. EEG evaluation of spinocerebellar degeneration with low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (M. Arai et al.). Cerebral circulation of consciousness disorder patient using near- infrared spectroscopic topography during brain rehabilitation by music exercise therapy (Y. Goto et al.). Evaluation of cognitive function in spinocerebellar ataxia - a study using event-related potential (M. Harada et al.). Dynamic studies on the thalamocortical relation involved in tremor and voluntary movement in Parkinson's disease using PET and depth microrecording (M. Hirato et al.). ERPs elicited by go and category deviant no-go stimuli in Parkinson's disease (J. Ito). Pathophysiological brain mapping in Parkinson's disease (T. Kato et al.). A comparative SPECT study of regional brain perfusion in patients with Alzheimer's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, and corticobasal degeneration (K. Kawabata, H. Tachibana, S. Kasama). Cerebral blood flow and cognitive function in Parkinson's disease (K. Kawabata, H. Tachibana, S. Kasama). Synthetic aperture magnetometry analysis of epileptic fast oscillation of MEG (H. Ninomiya et al.). Hemodynamic changes in the neonatal visual cortex by using near-infrared topograpy (K. Okubo et al.). Cerebral blood flow and depression in Parkinson's disease (H. Tachibana, K. Kawabata, S. Kasama). Effects of nootropic drugs for demented patients - a study using LORETA (H. Tanaka, K. Yamazaki, K. Hirata). Mental set change and parallel processing in Parkinson's disease: a multimodal P3 analysis (X.-H. Zeng et al.). The efficacy of fluvoxamine for poststroke depression - an evaluation using event-related potentials topography (K. Hirata et al.). Psychiatric disorders. EEG mapping and tomography providing evidence for a key-lock principle in diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders (B. Saletu, P. Anderer, R.D. Pascual-Marqui). P300 amplitude over temporal regions in schizophrenia (T. Araki et al.). Dysfunctional prefrontal attention-related resources in schizophrenia localized by the low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) (A. Basinska-Starzycka, R.D. Pascual-Marqui). Neuroleptics change P300 generation in schizophrenia: LORETA analysis (S. Tanaka et al.). Mapping brain functions of ADHD children (D. Brandeis et al.). Multimodality examination for detection of the epileptic foci with special reference to endovascular EEG recording (T. Enomoto et al.). A case with frontal lobe epilepsy with misguiding mirror focus EGG findings case report (A. Fujimoto et al.). Changes of cerebral blood volume in frontal region during mirror drawing task measured by 2 channel NIRS in schizophrenics (Y. Fukuji et al.). Simultaneous study of interictal EEG and near-infrared spectroscopy in a boy with epilepsy (J. Furusho et al.). Functional mapping in Alzheimer's disease using functional MRI and optical topography (M. Harada et al.). Magnetoencephalography in West syndrome (H. Hattori et al.). Cortical current density of ERPs in unmedicated depressed patients (T. Kawasaki et al.). FMRI and ERP evidence of prefrontal cortex mediation of novelty bias and distractibility in schizophrenia (E. Kirino, A. Belger). EEG synchronization deficits in schizophrenia spectrum disorders (B.F. O'Donnell et al.). Topographic changes of ERP during a CPT-AX task at pre- and post-medication of methylphenidate in children with ADHD (S. Okazaki et al.). Anterior cingulate theta activity is associated with degree of treatment response in major depression (D. Pizzagalli et al.). Continuous EEG-correlated fMRI in epilepsy (A. Salek-Haddadi et al.). The useful visual field and ERP topography in persons with intellectual disabilities (H. Shoji, H. Shinoda, H. Ozaki). Evaluation of neuronal effects of electroconvulsive therapy by MEG (W. Sperling, J. Kornhuber). Spontaneous slow and fast MEG activity in male schizophrenics treated with clozapine (W. Sperling, J. Kornhuber). Deficiency of "theory of mind" in autism estimated by fMRI (M. Takeuchi, M. Harada, H. Nishitani). High density recording of auditory P300 in patients with schizophrenia (J. Wang et al.). Brain perfusional spect in early Alzheimer's disease related to efficacy of donepezil (T. Yoshida et al.). Global field power and low resolution electromagnetic tomography solutions in Alzheimer's disease (M. Yoshimura et al.). Changes in regional cerebral blood flow on recovery from depression - comparison of vascular depression and non-vascular depression (M. Kimura et al.). Neurosurgical disorders. Localization of eloquent area utilize to functional MRI in patients with brain tumor (C. Fukaya et al.). Assessment of neuronal tract fibers using three-dimensional anisotropy contrast imaging in patients with infratentorial brain tumors (H. Karibe et al.). ERP and topography in a case of semantic amnesia with severe impairment in face cognition (S. Kitade et al.). Clinical applications of near-infrared spectroscopic mapping in neurosurgery (E. Watanabe). Top-down control of visual attention - effects of stimulus modality (S. Yamaguchi). Sleep. Non-invasive electrophysiological neuroimiging of sleep (P. Anderer et al.). Functional neuroanatomy of human non-rapid eye movement sleep: a study using a positron emission tomography (N. Kajimura et al.). Auditory event-related potentials in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (T. Miyamoto, M. Miyamoto, K. Hirata). The sleep state-dependent P50 auditory evoked potential in neuropsychiatric diseases (R.D. Skinner, H. Miyazato, E. Garcia-Rill). Human medial temporal lobe gamma and ?-1 activities and their physiological significances (S. Uchida et al.). The study of sleep effect in the night and the next morning of triazolam and brotizolam on the polysomnography and subjective sleep rating scale (H. Yamadera et al.). Visual function and mapping. The dynamic effect of saccades in the visual cortex: evidence from fMRI, sTMS and EEG studies (I. Bodis-Wollner et al.). Mapping of cortical brain activity - the use of dynamic random dot stereograms (W. Skrandies). Multiple-dipole analysis of visual event-related potentials during oddball paradigms (T. Yamazaki et al.). Brain stimulation. Benefit of chronic electrical stimulation of the globus pallidus internus in the treatment of dystonia (C. Fukaya et al.). Functional brain mapping detected by cortical stimulation using chronically implanted electrodes (T. Hoshida et al.). EGG responses after magnetic stimulation of left prefrontal cortex in healthy subjects (S. Kahkonen et al.). Transcranial magnetic stimulation studies of the human mirror neuron system (F. Maeda, J. Mazziotta, M. Iacoboni). Chronic electrical stimulation of the globus pallidus for treatment of Parkinson's disease (M. Ogura et al.). Evaluation of transcranial magnetic stimulation for depressed Parkinson's disease with LORETA (H. Tanaka et al.). Moto-evoked potentials following transcranial magnetic stimulation during recovery after a stroke (Y.T. Kitamura et al.). Ipsilateral motor-evoked potentials in patients with congenital and acquired mirror movements (T. Uozumi, K. Matsunaga, S. Tsuji). Author index. Keyword index.

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  • ISBN
    • 0444507558
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Amsterdam ; London
  • ページ数/冊数
    xx, 934 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
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