Architecture of the night : the illuminated building


Architecture of the night : the illuminated building

Dietrich Neumann ; with essays by Kermit Swiler Champa ... [et al.]

Prestel, c2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliography (p. 236)



The art of architectural floodlighting, which first came into existence at the beginning of the 20th century, has seen a world-wide renaissance in more recent years. This is an in-depth and illustrated account of the history of architectural illumination in American and European cities. While the work serves as a historical survey of architectural lighting throughout the 20th century, it also examines the cultural, social and artistic issues surrounding this phenomenon. During the 1920s and 30s architectural floodlighting was at its most intense, considered an essentially modern abstract art form that crossed the boundaries between film, architecture and painting. This study explores this dynamic period in depth, considers its impact today, and addresses the new issues that confront contemporary lighting, such as "light pollution", conservation, and aesthetics. The book features close to 200 illustrations and examines 100 examples of building illumination, including the Opera House, Paris (1880), the Gas and Electric Building, Denver (1910), the Empire State Building, New York (1931), the Seagram Building, New York (1958), the Lloyds Building, London (1988), and the Anzeiger Hochhaus, Hanover (2000).

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