Pierre Deux's Brittany : a French country style & source book
Bibliographic Information
Pierre Deux's Brittany : a French country style & source book
Phaidon, 1990 , c1989
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Includes index
Description and Table of Contents
"Pierre Deux's Brittany" is the second in a series of life-style books, called "Living in France", which present French interior design and evoke the personality of each of the regions of France. Brittany is the rugged outpost of France's north-west coast, a region dominated by the sea and with its customs and life-style derived from sailing and fishing. "Pierre Deux's Brittany" covers old-fashional charm of hand-carved furniture and the flavours of the typical foods and dishes of the region. The authors introduce the reader to the richness of Breton history and legend, look at the world-renowned faience of Quimper, the embroidered costumes of the region, the "manoirs" filled with priceless antiques and the influence of Brittany on the artists of the Pont-Aven School. The book concludes with a guide to shopping in Brittany, with suggestions on where to stay and what to eat. Pierre Moulin and Pierre Levec are founders of the Pierre Deux stores in the USA., which sell French country furniture, fabrics and ceramics. Linda Dannenberg is a contributing editor of "European Travel and Life". They are all authors of "Pierre Deux's Normandy", in the same series.
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