Social relations and the life course
Social relations and the life course
(Explorations in sociology, 63)
Palgrave Macmillan, 2003
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全14件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 214-227) and index
This collection of essays represents some of the most important recent research into changing patterns of family, household and community life. It brings together some of the leading sociologists in the field to explore how these informal social relationships change over time and the life course. It will be essential reading on courses concerned with the family and youth sociology.
- Introduction
- G.Allan & G.Jones Gender and Generation: Changing Pension Inequalities Over Time
- S.Arber PART ONE: CHILDREN AND PARENTS Past/Present/Future: Time and the Meaning of Change in the Family
- V.Giles, J.Holland & J.Ribbens McCarthy 'The Never-Ending Story': Children's Gaze and the Unresolved Narrative of Their Parents' Divorce
- J.Duncombe & D.Marsden Researching Childhood: Time, Memory and Method
- R.Thomson, J.Holland, S.Henderson, S.McGrellis & S.Sharpe PART TWO: FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD FORMATION Young Motherhood: Family Transmission or Family Transitions?
- S.Cheesbrough Young Adults' Household Formation: Individualisation, Identity and Home
- L.Kenyon Negotiating Difference: Lesbian and Gay Transitions to Adulthood
- G.Valentine
- S.McNamee, T.Skelton & R.Butler Single, Twenty-Something and Seeking?
- L.Jamieson
- R.Stewart, Y.Li M.Anderson, F.Bechhofer & D.McCrone PART THREE: REFORMULATIONS Making it Their Home: In-migration, Time, Social Change and Belonging in a Rural Community
- C.Maclean Family and Community Ties in Space and Time
- F.Devine, N.Joanne Britton, P.Halfpenny & R.Mellor 'If you had a whole year of weekends it would be a very long day': Situating and Assessing Time in the Context of Paid and Unpaid Work
- E.Fairhurst How Brief an Encounter? Time and Relationships, Pure or Otherwise
- D.H.J.Morgan
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