Coptic saints and pilgrimages
Coptic saints and pilgrimages
American University in Cairo Press, c2002
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
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Bibliography: p. [105]-108
Includes index
The Coptic Christian tradition is one that goes back almost 2000 years to the very beginnings of Christianity: Mark the Evangelist himself is said to have brought the faith to Alexandria. This text examines the popular traditions and beliefs of the people, as opposed to those of the church. While the Coptic Orthodox church is strongly influenced by Hellenistic modes of thinking, many of the folk attitudes and practices by contrast have their roots in the religious heritage of pharaconic Egypt, and while the official faith is by its sacramental nature exclusive, the folk religion is inclusive and touches every aspect of the personal lives of ordinary Copts. It is this popular aspect of Coptic religious devotion that is revealed here, in its many points of focus: biblical saints, martyrs, ascetics, equestrian warriors, "silverless" physicians, women saints, pilgrimage, dreams, visions and apparitions.
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