
Human sexuality

Simon LeVay, Sharon M. Valente

Sinauer Associates, c2002

  • CD-ROM

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



"Exploring human sexuality / Neil V. Watson ; a companion to human sexuality by Simon LeVay and Sharon Valente" -- CD-ROM

CD-ROM c2003 by Sinauer Associates

Includes bibliographical references and index



Sexuality is a central but highly controversial aspect of human nature. In this new undergraduate textbook, Simon LeVay and Sharon Valente aim to help students understand the diversity of human sexual expression as well as the various perspectives from which sexuality can be viewed. These perspectives range from biology and medicine, evolutionary theory, cognitive science, social psychology, feminism and cross cultural studies to moral and political discourse. Rather than attempting to present cut-and-dried answers to contentious or unresolved sexual questions, the authors present solid data and a multiplicity of interpretive viewpoints. This approach helps students develop critical thinking, make informed decisions about their own sex lives and contribute constructively and non-judgementally to the social debate on sexual issues. The CD-ROM included with each text contains: learning objectives; study questions; self-quiz; discussion questions; key terms; glossary; and animations and activities.


Perspectives on Sexuality - Sex and Evolution - Sexual Bodies - Sex Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle - Sexual Development - Gender - Sexual Attraction and Arousal - Sexual Behaviour - Sexual Relationships - Fertility, Pregnancy, and Childbirth - Preventing Childbirth - Sexuality across the Life Span - Sexual Minorities - Atypical Sexuality - Disorders of Desire and Performance - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Sex, Illness, and Disability - Sexual Assault, Harassment, and Partner Violence - Sex as a Commodity

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