Middle English Marian lyrics


Middle English Marian lyrics

edited by Karen Saupe

(Middle English texts)

Published for TEAMS in Association with the University of Rochester by Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 1998


Includes bibliographical references (p. 31-41) and index



Through its contextualizing introduction, notes, and gloss, this classroom-friendly edition of Middle English lyric poetry makes the wide variety of Marian poems available to students of all levels. The poems selected for this volume provide a sampling of the rich tradition of Marian devotion as expressed in Middle English. They range widely in form, tone, and aesthetic quality in how they relate the iconic moments from Mary's life-the Annunciation, Nativity, and her experience of Christ's passion, for instance-as well as in their variety of praises for the Queen of Heaven. Taken together, the poems express the full range of a people's effort to voice anxieties and joys through Mary. This collection will spark an excellent discussion on English spirituality, Marian devotion, and Middle English lyrical poetry.


  • List of Plates Abbreviations Acknowledgements Introduction Select Bibliography The Annunciation 1 In that time, als was ful wel 2 From heovene into eorthe, God gretynge he sende 3 Gabriel, fram evene kingh 4 The angel to the vergyn said 5 Nowel el el (Mary moder, meke and mylde) 6 Unto Marie he that love hath (Thus seide Mary of grete honoure) 7 Nowel, nowel, nowel (Under a tre / In sportyng me) 8 Edi beo thu, hevene quene 9 Heyl, levedy, se-stoerre bryht 10 Blessed Mary, moder virginall 11 Hayle mayden of maydyns, thorgth worde consaywyng 12 Hayle, glorious lady and hevenly quene 13 I syng of a myden / That is makeles 14 At a spryng wel under a thorn The Nativity 15 Blissid be that lady bryght (Goddys Sonne is borne) 16 Nu this fules singet and maket hure blisse 17 Alleluya! (Now wel may we merthis make) 18 Mary so myelde of hert and myende 19 My Fader above, beholdying thy mekenesse 20 Ther is no rose of swych vertu 21 Holy moder, that bere Cryst 22 Syng we, syng we (Holy maydyn, blyssid thu be) 23 Lullay, myn lykyng (I saw a fayr maydyn syttyn and synge) 24 Ler to loven as I love thee 25 Lullay, lullay, la, lullay (Als I lay upon a nith) 26 Modyr, whyt os lyly flowr (As I up ros in a mornyng) 27 Lullay, my fader, lullay, my brother (Ye ben my fader) 28 I passud thoru a garden grene 29 Als I lay upon a nith / I lokede upon a stronde 30 Ecce quod natura mutat sua iura (Beholde and see) Mary at the Foot of the Cross 31 Quhat dollour persit our ladyis hert 32 Jesu Cristes milde moder 33 Stond wel, Moder, under rode 34 Suete sone, reu on me, and brest out of thi bondis 35 The angell sayde to thee that the fruyt off thi body sulde be blyssyde 36 A Son! tak hede to me whas sone thou was 37 Womman, Jon I take to thee (Allas, wo sal myn herte slaken?) 38 Nou goth sonne under wod 39 Sodenly afraide, half waking, half slepyng (With favoure in hir face) 40 Thou synfull man of resoun that walkest here up and downe 41 Why have ye no reuthe on my child? 42 Of alle women that ever were borne 43 O litel whyle lesteneth to me 44 Upon my ryght syde y me leye 45 M and A and R and I (It wern fowre letterys of purposy) 46 Mary myelde made grete mone (When fals Judas her son had solde) 47 I syke when y singe 48 Maiden and moder, cum and se The Assumption and Mary as Queen of Heaven 49 Com, my swete, com, my flour 50 The infinite power essenciall 51 Hayle, luminary and benigne lanterne 52 Lefdy blisful, of muchel might 53 Haill, quene of hevin and steren of blis Mary Mediatrix 54 I pray thee, lady, the moder of Crist 55 Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis (O moder mylde) 56 Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis (O tryclyn of the Trinite) 57 Sainte Marie, virgine 58 Ave maris stella, the sterre on the see 59 Marie moder, wel thee be 60 Thou wommon boute vere 61 Marie, yow quen, yow moder, yow mayden briht 62 Levedie, ic thonke thee 63 Blessed beo thu, lavedi, ful of hovene blisse (Egerton) 64 Blessed be thou, levedy, ful of heovene blisse (Harley 2253) 65 Mary, modur of grace, we cry to thee Penitential Poems 66 Hayl Mari, / Hic am sori 67 On hire is al mi lif ilong 68 Worsshipful maiden to the world, Marie 69 Hayl, oure patron and lady of erthe 70 Mayden moder milde, / Oiez cel oreysoun The Joys of Mary 71 Mary, for thine joys fyve 72 Be glad, of al maydens flourre 73 Heyle be thou, ladye so bryght 74 Haile be thu, Mari maiden bright 75 Heyl be thou, Marie, milde quene of hevene 76 Levedy, for thare blisse Chansons d'Aventure and Love Quests 77 Ase y me rod this ender day 78 Nou skrinketh rose ant lylie flour 79 In a tabernacle of a toure 80 Upon a lady my love ys lente 81 Maiden in the mor lay 82 Lulley, lulley (He bare hym up, he bare him down) 83 Of on that is so fayr and bright Poems in Celebration of Mary 84 Adam lay ibowndyn, bowndyn in a bond 85 Swete and benygne moder and may 86 O hie emperice and quene celestiall 87 Glade us, maiden, moder milde 88 Marye, mayde mylde and fre 89 Ros Mary, most of vertewe virginall 90 All haile, lady, mother, and virgin immaculate 91 Hale, sterne superne
  • hale, in eterne Notes Appendices: Chaucer's Marian Lyrics A An ABC B The Proheme of The Prioresse Tale C Invocacio ad Mariam, from The Second Nun's Prologue Index of First Lines

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  • Middle English texts

    Published for TEAMS by Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University
