Making your first year a success : the secondary teacher's survival guide



Making your first year a success : the secondary teacher's survival guide

by Robert Wyatt III and J. Elaine White

Corwin Press, c2002

  • : cloth
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. 119-120)



`This book is interesting, enjoyable, and easy to understand, and its suggestions and ideas will help beginning secondary schools teachers have a more positive experience their first year' - Lisa Suhr, Instructor, Sabetha Middle School, Kansas This inspiring "survival handbook" expressly tailored to secondary teachers includes: - time-tested advice and concrete examples that can be implemented easily - management strategies and assessment techniques - a comprehensive orientation for the new teacher, including valuable information about professional development, parent relationships, and student interactions - simple tactics for effective lesson planning and maximizing technology tools.


Acknowledgments About the Authors Introduction 1. Surviving in School 2. Surviving Requires Working Well With Students 3. Surviving Requires Good Classroom Management 4. Surviving Includes Good Lesson Plans 5. Making Assessment Work 6. Making Technology Work for Enhanced Learning 7. Making Parent Communication Work 8. Making Yourself a Professional References

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