Comparative civilizations and multiple modernities


Comparative civilizations and multiple modernities

by S.N. Eisenstadt

Brill, 2003

  • : set
  • v. 1
  • v. 2


Comparative civilizations & multiple modernities

Comparative civilizations and multiple modernities : a collection of essays

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 17



"A collection of essays by S.N. Eisenstadt"--Cover

Includes bibliographical references and indexes



v. 1 ISBN 9789004125346


This volume explores a rapidly emerging paradigm in the social sciences, which assumes culturally specific forms of modernity. Modernization is thus no longer equated with homogenization. Scholars from history, sociology, area studies and economics discuss the concept's implications. The first part of this book covers a range of theoretical questions arising from the new approach. Issues such as the common features of all modernities and their interrelation with regional particularities, the reasons for antinomies of modernity and the preconditions for a peaceful co-existence of cultures are raised. The second and third parts deal with Europe and China as two specific encounters with modernity, the tensions between universalism and cultural identities, both in past and present. The fourth part analyzes how Multiple Modernities translates into formal and informal institutions of "diverse capitalisms".

: set ISBN 9789004129931


This collection of essays provides an analysis of the dynamics of Civilizations. The processes of globalization and of world history are described from a comparative sociological point of view in a Weberian tradition. These essays were written between 1974 and 2002 by one of the most eminent sociologists of today. All volumes of the print edition will become available in individual e-books: 9789004531482 (volume 1) - 9789004531499 (volume 2).


1. Introduction: Comparative Studies and Sociological Theory-From Comparative Studies to Civilizational Analysis: Autobiographical Notes I. Theoretical Approach 2. The Civilizational Dimension in Sociological Analysis 3. Social division of labor, construction of centers and institutional dynamics: A reassessment of the structuralevolutionary perspective 4. Cultural Programs, the Construction of Collective Identities and the Continual Reconstruction of Primordiality 5. Some Observations on the Dynamics of Traditions 6. Comparative Liminality. Liminality and Dynamics of Civilizations II. Axial Civilizations A. General Analysis 7. The Axial Age: The emergence of transcendental visions and the rise of clerics 8. Cultural traditions and political dynamics: the origins and modes of ideological politics 9. Transcendental vision, center formation and the role of intellectuals 10. Utopias and Dynamics of Civilizations: Some concluding observations B. Analyses of Selected Axial Civilizations and of Japan 11. This-worldly transcendentalism and the structuring of the world: Weber's "Religion of China" and the Format of Chinese History and Civilization 12. Some Observations on the transformation of Confucianism (and Buddhism) in Japan 13. A Short Comparative Excurse on the (Theravada) Buddhist Civilizational Format and Historical Experience 14. Cultural Traditions, Conceptions of Sovereignty and State Formations in India and Europe 15. The Crystallization of Christian Civilizations in Europe 16. The Jewish Historical Experience in the Framework of Comparative Universal History 17. Civil Society, Public Sphere, the Myth of Oriental Despotism and Political Dynamic in Islamic Societies 18. Japan and the multiplicity of cultural programmes of modernity 19. Some Comparative Indications about the Dynamics of Historical Axial and non-Axial Civilizations III. Modernity as Civilization 20. The Civilizational Dimension of Modernity: Modernity as a Distinct Civilization 21. Multiple Modernities in an Age of Globalization 22. Multiple Modernities 23. Barbarism and Modernity: the Destructive Components of Modernity IV. The Historical and Civilizational Framework of Western Modernity 24. Origins of the West. The origins of the West in recent Macrosociological Theory. The Protestant Ethic Reconsidered 25. Frameworks of the Great Revolutions: Culture, Social Structure, History and Human Agency 26. The Sectarian Origin of Modernity V. Multiple Modernities A. The Classical Age of Modernity 27. The Breakdown and Transformation of Communist Regimes 28. The First Multiple Modernities: The civilization of the Americas 29. Mirror Image Modernities: Contrasting Religious Premises of Japanese and U.S. Modernity 30. Israeli Politics and the Jewish Political Tradition: Principled Political Anarchism and the Rule of the Court 31. The Puzzle of Indian Democracy 32. Center Formation and Protest Movements in Europe and the U.S.A.: Comparative Perspective 33. The Structuring of Social Protest in Modern Societies: The Limits and Direction of Convergence 34. Construction of Trust, Collective Identity and the Fragility and Continuity of Democratic Regimes B. The Contemporary Scene 35. The Contemporary Scene: Beyond the Hegemony of the Nation and Revolutionary State Model 36. Globalization, civilizational traditions and multiple modernities 37. The Jacobin Component of Fundamentalist Movements 38. The Reconstruction of Religious Arenas in the Framework of Multiple Modernities S.N. Eisenstadt: List of Publications Index of Names Index of Subject

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