Electing the President : the insiders' view


Electing the President : the insiders' view

edited by Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Paul Waldman

University of Pennsylvania Press, c2001-

  • 2000
  • 2008


2008: Edited by Kathleen Hall Jamieson

2008: Accompanied by 1 DVD disc "2008 Annenberg election debriefing : December 5, 2008"

Includes index


2000 ISBN 9780812218022


The presidential election of 2000 was one of the most memorable of the century, a race so close it was decided by 537 votes in Florida. Two months after the Supreme Court put an end to the Florida recounts, key strategists from the Gore and Bush campaigns gathered in Philadelphia to analyze their successes and failures. In an unusually frank discussion, they disclosed the intentions, the research, and the tactics behind their decision-making on matters ranging from message development to campaign advertising to debate strategy. Why did the Gore team not enlist President Clinton's help more extensively in the campaign? How did the Bush campaign undercut Gore's strategy on Social Security? Why was Gore unable to take credit for the strong economy? Was the press fair to the candidates? Did the mistaken calls made by the networks on election night affect the election's outcome? In Electing the President, 2000, campaign insiders offer their answers to these and many other questions. Both candidates' inner circles are well represented. Representatives of the Bush campaign include senior adviser Karl Rove and ad producers Mark McKinnon and Alex Castellanos. Representatives of the Gore campaign include advisers Bob Shrum and Carter Eskew and pollster Stanley Greenberg. With its wealth of behind-the-scenes information, Electing the President, 2000 is required reading for anyone seeking to understand this most unusual presidential race.


Introduction: Making Sense of the 2000 Election 1. Matthew Dowd and Fred Steeper 2. Carter Eskew and Bob Shrum 3. Stanley Greenberg 4. Kathleen Frankovic 5. Mark McKinnon 6. Lionel Sosa 7. Bill Knapp 8. Alex Castellanos 9. Karl Rove Participants

2008 ISBN 9780812220964


Just weeks after the November 2008 election, the Annenberg Public Policy Center's Kathleen Hall Jamieson and FactCheck.org's Brooks Jackson gathered top strategists and consultants for postelection analysis. Nicolle Wallace, Ambassador Mark Wallace, Jon Carson, Steve Schmidt, Bill McInturff, and Chris Mottola from the McCain-Palin camp met with David Plouffe, David Axelrod, Joel Benenson, Jim Margolis, and Anita Dunn, their counterparts from the Obama-Biden camp to share their insights into one of the most unusual presidential elections in American history. Representatives of the Democratic and Republican National Committees and the major independent expenditure groups did the same. In the resulting book, Electing the President, 2008, the consultants who managed the 2008 presidential campaign retrace the decisions that shaped the historic presidential election. Like Electing the President, 2000 and Electing the President, 2004, this work permits readers to eavesdrop on the first cross-campaign discussion that occurred in the nation after Election Day. These political experts assess the importance of new factors ranging from campaign spending to the performance of the press corps, from the effect of the Internet on news cycles to the influence of Tina Fey. Democratic and Republican insiders explain the strategies behind the debates and advertising, reveal what their internal polls showed, and share what they did well and poorly in their efforts to elect the forty-fourth president of the United States. In addition to insider commentary, Electing the President, 2008 presents political communications and strategy researchers with an election timeline and polling data from the National Annenberg Election Survey. This book offers a ringside seat to what may prove to be the most pivotal political contest for a long time to come. An included DVD features selected video of the proceedings.


Introduction The National Annenberg Election Survey 1. The Vice Presidential Campaign 2. Campaign Management and Field Operations 3. Campaign Organization and Strategy 4. The Role of Polling 5. Advertising 6. The Campaign and the Press 7. Political Party Panel 8. Democratic/Liberal Panel 9. Republican/Conservative Panel Index

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