North European textiles until AD 1000


North European textiles until AD 1000

Lise Bender Jørgensen ; [translation and word-processing by Peter Crabb]

Aarhus University Press, c1992


Includes bibliographical references (p. 181-196) and index (p. 283-285)



The thesis of this book is that the first steps towards an organized production of textiles in Northern Europe was taken in the Hallstatt era (the last millenium BC). In the time of the Roman Empire, it developed into a veritable industry. The products of this industry have been found from Lofoten to Egypt. Part of the production survived the fall of the Western part of the Roman Empire, and was primarily found in the areas of the English Channel and the coast of the North Sea. Here it became the economical background for the rise of the Carolingian Empire and Anglo-Saxon Britain.

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