Assessment, supervision and support in clinical practice : a guide for nurses, midwives and other health professionals


    • Stuart, Ci Ci


Assessment, supervision and support in clinical practice : a guide for nurses, midwives and other health professionals

Ci Ci Stuart

Churchill Livingstone, 2003

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book specifically addresses the uniqueness and complexity of learning and assessing in clinical settings, and how such learning can be managed, facilitated and assessed. This is a 'how to do it' book with a solid theoretical base and considerable empirical research behind the clinical learning and assessment strategies. The purpose is to provide workable strategies to help busy practitioners supervise, support and assess learners to achieve validity and reliability of assessment. The thrust of the book is on how to manage the competence-based continuous assessment process. This includes critical discussions on how to: construct and use a learning contract and assessment plan for competency-based assessment; use formative and summative assessment processes to facilitate learning and assessment; conduct fair assessments so that validity, reliability, feasibility and discriminating power are achieved; utilise a range of assessment methods in competency-based assessment; use the strategy of triangulation to select and combine methods to obtain the depth and breadth of assessment evidence in order to confer competence; identify learning needs to plan learning around clinical learning opportunities; monitor progress, manage constructive feedback and student self-assessment; make assessment decisions with validity and reliability; and, manage some assessment problems such as the 'failing student'. Other topics addressed that relate to learning during clinical practice include discussions on: how to create, manage and maintain a clinical environment that is a supportive educational environment; and the meaning of experience and strategies to facilitate learning through clinical practice to assist learners unearth meaning from experience.


The purposes and nature of assessment and clinical assessment. The legal and ethical issues of assessment. What do we assess? How do we assess? Conducting fair assessments. Assessment as a learning process: using learning contracts. Monitoring progress, managing feedback and making assessment decisions. The clinical environment as a setting for learning and professional development. Learning through clinical practice: unearthing meaning from experience. Appendices: UKCC requirements for pre-registration nursing programmes - nursing competencies. UKCC requirements for pre-registration nursing programmes - midwifery competencies. The University of Sheffield academic diary and student handbook (2001-2002) - general regulations as to academic appeals. The University of Sheffield academic diary and student handbook (2001-2002) - regulations as to progress of students. The University of Sheffield academic diary and student handbook (2001-2002) - regulations as to the discipline of students. United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting declaration of good character to support admission to a part or parts of the Council's professional register. General Nursing Council for England and Wales syllabus of subjects for examination and record of practical instruction and experience for the Certificate of General Nursing 1969. Central Midwives Board Midwives Rules 1980, first edition, part III: rules regulating training, examinations and admission to the roll. Statutory Instruments 1983 No 873 Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors. The Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Approval Order 1983, part III. Nurses Rules: Training Outcomes for Project 2000 (from Statutory Instruments 1989, No 1456). Preparation for entry to Parts 12, 13, 14 and 15 of the Register. Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors (Midwives Amendment) Rules 1998. Midwives Rules and Code of Practice 1998. An example of a professional behaviour with its descriptors. Checklists for the clinical learning environment. Ward learning climate indicators. Content of a portfolio for pre-registration midwifery education. Index

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