Tropical diseases : from molecule to bedside
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Tropical diseases : from molecule to bedside
(Advances in experimental medicine and biology, v. 531)
Kluwer Academic, c2003
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"Proceedings of the second International Eijkman Symposium on Tropical Diseases : From Molecule to Bedside : In the Footsteps of Christiaan Eijkman, held September 2-6, 2001, in Bogor, Indonesia"--T.p. verso
Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
Christiaan Eijkman received the Nobel prize for Medicine in 1929 for his discovery that beri-beri is a vitamin-deficiency disease. He had conducted his seminal research on the disease in the fonner Dutch East Indies between 1886 and 1898 at the location of. the present Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology in Jakarta. In 1998, the first International Eijkman Symposium was held in The Hague, The Netherlands, to celebrate the fact that exactly 100 years earlier Christiaan Eijkman was inaugurated as full professor in Hygiene and Bacteriology at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. The Eijkman-Winkler Centre for Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Inflammation is the direct descendant of Eijkman's department in Utrecht. vii Contributing Authors Bacbti Alisjabbana Department of Internal Medicine Padjadjaran University (UNP AD) Dr Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung Indonesia Kevin Baird US Navy Medical Research Unit-2 J1. Percetakan Negara 29 Jakarta 15650 Indonesia Phone: +62-21-421-4457 Fax: +62-214244507 Jan P . B. van den Berg Nederland-Batam Foundation Stationsweg 56 6711 PT Ede The Netherlands Phone: +31-318610368 Fax: +31-318612476 Greet J.
Boland Eijkman-Winkler Centre University Medical Centre Utrecht ix x Contributing Authors P. O. Box 85500 3584 CX Utrecht The Netherlands Phone: +31-302506536 Fax: +31-302541770 G J . Boland@azu. n1 Graham V. Brown Department of Medicine University of Melbourne Royal Melbourne Hospital Victoria Australia gvb@unimelb. edu. au Frank E. J. Coenjaerts Eijkman-Winkler Centre University Medical Centre Utrecht P. O. Box 85500 3584 CX Utrecht The Netherlands Phone: +31-302507637 Fax: +31-302541770 . EJ . Coenjaerts@lab. azu.
Table of Contents
- Genome and Disease:- Human Genome Diversity and Disease on the Island Southeast Asia
- S. Marzuki, H. Sudoyo, H. Suryadi, I. Setianingsih, P. Pramoonjago. Mitochondrial Genome and Susceptibility to Diabetes Mellitus
- H. Sudoyo, H. Suryadi, N. Sitorus, S. Soegondo, A. Pranoto, S. Marzuki. Ethnic and Geographical Distributions of CYP2C19 Alleles in the Populations of Southeast Asia
- I. Yusuf, M.W. Djojosubroto, R. Ikawati, K. Lum, A. Kaneko, S. Marzuki. Alpha Thalassemia in Indonesia: Phenotypes and Molecular Defects
- I. Setianingsih, A. Harahap, I.M. Nainggolan. Pathophysiology and Treatment of Iron Overload in Thalassemia Patients in Tropical Countries
- J.J.M. Marx. Malaria :- Malaria on Islands
- A. Kaneko. Plasmodium falciparum
- S. Hudson Keenihan, R. Gramzinksi, S. Ratiwayanto, H. Hadiputranto, W. Riberu, S. Soebianto, F. Rusjdy, D. Syafruddin, A. KartikasariDAGGER, M. DjojosubrotoDAGGER, I. Setianingsih, A. Harahap, Krisin, D. Fryauff, T. Richie, Y. Charoenvit, H.A. Marwoto, S. Kumar, S. Hoffman, S. Marzuki, K. Baird. Molecular Basis of Antimalarial Drug Resistance in Indonesia
- D. Syafruddin, P.B.S. Asih, J.E. Siregar, E. Tjitra. Unique properties of respiratory chain in Plasmodium falciparum mitochondria
- F. Mi-Ichi, S. Takeo, E. Takashima, T. Kobayashi, H.-S. Kim, Y. Wataya, A. Matsuda, M. Torii, T. Tsuboi, K. Kita. Performance of rapid malaria Pf antigen test for the diagnosis of malaria and false-reactivity with autoantibodies
- J. Iqbal, N. Khalid, P. Ravjee Hira. Phenotypic Switching and var Gene Transcription in Plasmodium falciparum
- R. Noviyanti, G.V. Brown. Hepatitis B:- Hepatitis B Virus Molecular Diversity in Indonesia
- D. Handojo Muljono, S. Soemohardjo. Transmission Profile of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in the Batam Region, Indonesia
- J. van Hattum, G.J. Boland, K.G.J.J. Jansen, A.S. Kleinpenning, T. van Bommel, A.M. van Loon, S.A. Abdurachman, H. Yusuf, A. Rulos-van den Berg, J.P.B. van den Berg. The Efficacy of a Two-Dose Hepatitis B Vaccination Scheme
- G.J. Boland, T. van Bommel, A. Rulos-van den Berg, J.P.B. van den Berg, A.M. van Loon, J. van Hattum. New Options in the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis
- S. Soemohardjo. Hepatitis C:- Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection among Haemodialysis Patients in West Java, Indonesia
- J.R. Saketi, G.J. Boland, A.M. van Loon, J. van Hattum, S.A Abdurachman, E. Sukandar. Molecular Diversity of Hepatitis C Virus in the Batam Region
- G.J. Boland, N. Cnossen, T. van Bommel, A. Rulos-van den Berg, J.P.B. van den Berg, A.M. van Loon, J. van Hattum. New Treatment Options for Chronic Hepatitis C
- H. van Soest, J. van Hattum. Tuberculosis:- Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Response in Acute Infection
- B. Alisjahbana, M.G. Netea, J.W.M. van der Meer. Innate Immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- R. van Crevel, T.H.M. Ottenhoff, J.W.M. van der Meer. Interferon- production in response to M. tuberculosis antigens in TB patients in Indonesia
- Y.W. Subronto, K.E. van Meijgaarden, A. Geluk, S.M. Arend, T. Sunardi, K.L.M.C. Franken, B. Hisyam, R.R.P. de Vries, T.H.M. Ottenhoff. Immune Reactivation and Paradoxical Worsening in an HIV-Infected Tuberculosis Patient
- W.C.M. de Lange. Leprosy:- Epidemiology of Leprosy
- M. Hatta. Human Deficiencies in Type-1 Cytokine Receptors Reveal the Essential Role of Type-1 Cytokines in Immunity to Intracellular Bacteria
- T.H.M. Ottenhoff, T. de Boer, J.T. van Di
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