Radicals in power : the Workers' Party (PT) and experiments in urban democracy in Brazil


    • Baiocchi, Gianpaolo


Radicals in power : the Workers' Party (PT) and experiments in urban democracy in Brazil

edited by Gianpaolo Baiocchi

Zed Books , Distributed exclusively in the U.S. by Palgrave, 2003

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Radicals in power

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references (p. [229]-245) and index

HTTP:URL=http://www.loc.gov/catdir/description/hol032/2002190912.html Information=Publisher description



: cased ISBN 9781842771723


In January 2003 Lula assumed office as President of Brazil, and for the first time the Workers' Party (PT) took control of the federal government. Radicals in Power provides a uniquely rich and systematically comparative account of the innovative policies at state level, and in big and medium-sized cities, which the PT has introduced over the past 20 years. Based on original field investigation, and authored by scholars and those who have been actual participants in the process, this volume provides a unique body of information and understanding of the ways in which a non-dogmatic leftwing political movement has instituted a highly innovative set of experiments (the most famous example being Porto Alegre) to involve ordinary citizens, especially the socially disadvantaged, in the local policy choices and fiscal allocation decisions which affect their lives, as well as a variety of other experiments to achieve both participation and social redistribution and justice. The obstacles are many, as this volume makes clear, and there have been both failures and electoral setbacks. But at a time when conventional representative democratic institutions command less and less enthusiasm (as seen in declining voter turnouts in most countries), the PT's innovative experiments with new forms of participatory decisionmaking have a potentially huge significance for the renewal of the substance of democratic government worldwide. Here is a left-oriented, but non-dogmatic, political movement, now in power nationally, refusing simply to try and manage humanely a neoliberal, market-dominated economy, but instead experimenting with imaginative new ways of achieving redistribution and social justice in a non-revolutionary manner. Little wonder that political parties and city administrations elsewhere in Latin America and further afield are flocking to Brazil to learn from these extraordinarily important experiments.


Preface 1 Glossary 5 1. Radicals in power - Gianpaolo Baiocchi 12 Introduction 12 Urban dystopias and the changing urban landscapes in Brazil 18 Toward a democratic city 21 Enter the PT 25 The dilemmas of radicals 31 The essays in this book 46 2. Making participation work in Porto Alegre - Benjamin Goldfrank 52 Introduction 52 Failure in the first two years 53 Regaining credibility through administrative reform and community pressure 66 Appendix 1 82 3. Faith in what will change: The PT administration in Bel'm - John A. Guidry and Pere Petit 87 Santa Maria de Bel'm do GrAEo-Par 88 Into the breach: Victory in 1996 92 Key policies and programs 96 Dilemmas of governing 114 The modo petista de governar in Bel'm 122 4. The second time around: Marta Suplicy's PT administration in SAEo Paulo - Claudio Gonalves Couto 126 Introduction 126 The previous experience 127 The Malufist interregnum 130 The construction of the majority in the city council 133 The assembly of the new administration 136 A preliminary evaluation 138 5. An enduring legacy? Popular participation in the aftermath of the participatory budgets of JoAEo Monlevade and Betim, Minas Gerais - William R. Nylen 144 Introduction 144 The PB in practice: So what? 147 The case studies 150 JoAEo Monlevade 152 Betim 157 Conclusion 170 6. Participation by design: The experiences of the cities of Alvorada and Gravita!, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - Marcelo Kunrath Silva 176 Introduction 176 Associative traditions and 'working-class participation': Porto Alegre's experience 177 Civil society and participation in the PB: The cases of Alvorada and Gravata! 180 Civil society and participation in the PB in Alvorada 182 Civil society and participation in the PB in Gravita! 191 Conclusions 197 7. PT never again? Failure (and success) in the PT's state government in Espirito Santo and the Distrito Federal - Fiona Macaulay and Guy Burton 202 Introduction 202 Evaluating PT administrations 204 Esp!rito Santo 212 Bras!lia 223 Conclusions 229 8. Restraining the revolution or deepening democracy? The Workers' Party in Rio Grande do Sul - Benjamin Goldfrank and Aaron Schneider 235 Introduction 235 Winning office 241 Opposition from the right and the left 244 Scaling up the PB from the city to the state 247 Conclusion: The dilemmas of governing 256 9. The purple in the rainbow: Gender politics in the PT - Fiona Macaulay 265 Introduction 265 Gender policy in local government: Slow progress 280 Gender policies 294 Conclusions 297 10. The dilemmas and limits of transformation: A commentary - Rachel Meneguello 301 11. The long march through institutions: Lessons from the PT in power - Gianpaolo Baiocchi 310 The oasis and the archipelago 310 The long march through institutions: Overcoming the dilemmas of the electoral left 312 An even newer kind of party? 323 The contribution to democracy 327 The capitalist city reimagined 333 References 337 About the contributors 369 Index

: limp ISBN 9781842771730


In January 2003 Lula assumed office as President of Brazil, and for the first time the Workers' Party (PT) took control of the federal government. Radicals in Power provides a uniquely rich and systematically comparative account of the innovative policies at state level, and in big and medium-sized cities, which the PT has introduced over the past 20 years. Based on original field investigation, and authored by scholars and those who have been actual participants in the process, this volume provides a unique body of information and understanding of the ways in which a non-dogmatic leftwing political movement has instituted a highly innovative set of experiments (the most famous example being Porto Alegre) to involve ordinary citizens, especially the socially disadvantaged, in the local policy choices and fiscal allocation decisions which affect their lives, as well as a variety of other experiments to achieve both participation and social redistribution and justice. The obstacles are many, as this volume makes clear, and there have been both failures and electoral setbacks. But at a time when conventional representative democratic institutions command less and less enthusiasm (as seen in declining voter turnouts in most countries), the PT's innovative experiments with new forms of participatory decisionmaking have a potentially huge significance for the renewal of the substance of democratic government worldwide. Here is a left-oriented, but non-dogmatic, political movement, now in power nationally, refusing simply to try and manage humanely a neoliberal, market-dominated economy, but instead experimenting with imaginative new ways of achieving redistribution and social justice in a non-revolutionary manner. Little wonder that political parties and city administrations elsewhere in Latin America and further afield are flocking to Brazil to learn from these extraordinarily important experiments.


Contents 1. Radicals in power - Gianpaolo Baiocchi 2. Making participation work in Porto Alegre - Benjamin Goldfrank 3. Faith in what will change: The PT administration in Belem - John A. Guidry and Pere Petit 4. The second time around: Marta Suplicy's PT administration in Sao Paulo - Claudio Goncalves Couto 5. An enduring legacy? Popular participation in the aftermath of the participatory budgets of Joao Monlevade and Betim, Minas Gerais - William R. Nylen 6. Participation by design: The experiences of the cities of Alvorada and Gravitai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - Marcelo Kunrath Silva 7. PT never again? Failure (and success) in the PT's state government in Espirito Santo and the Distrito Federal - Fiona Macaulay and Guy Burton 8. Restraining the revolution or deepening democracy? The Workers' Party in Rio Grande do Sul - Benjamin Goldfrank and Aaron Schneider 9. The purple in the rainbow: Gender politics in the PT - Fiona Macaulay 10. The dilemmas and limits of transformation: A commentary - Rachel Meneguello 11. The long march through institutions: Lessons from the PT in power - Gianpaolo Baiocchi

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